Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Bookshop of Hidden Dreams - Karen Hawkins (Gallery Books - Aug 2024)

Series: Dove Pond (Book 4)
When an antique tin of love letters is found hidden in her family home, noted historian Tay Dove rushes home to Dove Pond to investigate. Tay is still reeling from a romantic betrayal, so she's relieved to refocus her energies on her latest project: a biography of her great-great-grandmother Sarafina, a star reporter who began her career in Dove Pond in the late 19th century before abruptly leaving town.
Tay believes the letters could be the key in solving what happened, but they only add to her questions -- especially when they reveal a forbidden love affair with William Day, a wild youth who took part in a notorious train robbery. Some answers might be found in eighty-year-old Rose Day's bookshop, which doubles as a town archive, but Rose is curiously resistant to give Tay access. Just when Tay thinks she's reached a dead end, she finds an unlikely ally in Rose's grandson, Luke, a fellow puzzle lover. Together, they set out to uncover what really happened all those years ago…and find the truth behind a love story that could be more precious than gold.

Good book about love and family. Taylor Dove is the middle sister of seven sisters. Each of them has a special gift. In Tay's case, she can touch someone's handwriting and instantly experience the feelings, sights, and sounds of the person writing. This talent enhances her career as a noted historian, frequently guiding the direction of her research. When her sisters find an antique tin of love letters written by their ancestor, Sarafina, Tay rushes home to investigate. She's happy about the distraction from her recent breakup and intends to focus on writing Sarafina's biography.
The letters reveal a secret relationship with William Day, a wild young man later convicted of participating in a notorious train robbery. Tay's best chance of finding answers lies in the Day family archives in Rose Day's bookstore. But Rose resists giving Tay access until Rose's grandson, Luke, gets involved.
Luke returned to Dove Pond after he became the guardian of his niece, Lulu. Luke is one of those people for whom life comes easy. He's handsome, brilliant, and charming. He had a good computer job he gave up to take care of Lulu. Now, Luke works with Rose and does some computer consulting. There is a lot of tension between him and Rose as he tries to bring the store into the twenty-first century and meets resistance from his technophobe grandmother. He is also easily bored, so he begs Tay for the opportunity to work with her, solving the puzzle of the letters.
The plot intrigued me and kept me turning the pages. Tay researches her ancestor's career as a journalist in New York, but some of the information doesn't make sense to her. The letters from William open new paths of investigation into Sarafina's past. The reader is helped along by chapters told from Sarafina's point of view. Tay and Luke's teamwork is terrific with each bringing a different set of skills to the search. The tension rose as they closed in on the "family secret." While the secret wasn't a complete surprise, learning how they accomplished it was interesting.
I enjoyed watching the relationship develop between Luke and Tay. She reluctantly accepts his help initially, but as time passes, she realizes he isn't the hindrance she expected. There are some great scenes of them working together and learning to appreciate the other's insights. Neither expected the feelings that developed between them, leaving Tay to decide if she would stay in Dove Pond or return to her job.


Monday, September 16, 2024

Cinderella's Deal with the Colonel - Jenni Fletcher (HH #1727 - June 2023)

A penniless Cinderella
And a tempting offer from the colonel…
When a marquess's scheme leads to the debt and demise of Abigail's father, she wants retribution! Only, her plans at confronting the scoundrel go awry when his handsome younger brother Colonel Theodore Marshall offers her a job as his secretary. Theo's deal helps Abigail restore her family from financial ruin, but working so closely with him isn't as easy as she expected. Especially when each encounter sparks with tension!

Good book. Abigail has had the worst few weeks of her life. An only child, when Abigail's father died of a heart attack, she had to deal with everything by herself. The will reading reveals that he lost all his money in a bad investment, and the bank is repossessing her home, leaving her homeless. Then, her fiancé, who promised to stand by her, dumps her after discovering there is no dowry left. After learning that the financial disaster was caused by investing in the Marquess of Salway's building venture, the furious Abigail heads off to confront the Marquess. She feels he owes her at least a recommendation for a job. Unfortunately, Abigail discovers that she is yelling at the wrong man. Her target has left the country, and she is facing his younger brother.
Colonel Lord Theo Marshall sold his commission after the war and intended to start a new life in America. But first, he stops in London to check in with his brother and his family. There, he finds that Fitzwilliam has fled the country. Theo is an honorable man who believes he must clean up his brother's mess before moving on. He is overwhelmed by the magnitude of the problems and initially can't see a way to help Abigail. I liked seeing how his conscience kicked in, and the scene where he finds and hires her was great.
Abigail has her work cut out for her as she serves as secretary for Theo, companion for Sabrina, his sister-in-law, and governess/chaperone to his two nieces. Meanwhile, Theo tries to bring order out of chaos so that he can move on with his life. Neither expected the attraction that flared between them, especially as both had vowed to remain unmarried. There are some terrific scenes of Theo when his innate kindness and protectiveness kick in. I liked seeing the friendship between them and watching as it grew into love. However, there are obstacles, especially Theo's issues with the estate. An unexpected discovery and the twist that came with it throws a wrench into their plans. I liked Theo's "aha" moment and the emotional ending. The epilogue was a nice wrap-up for the story.
Theo's valet, Kitchen, is my favorite of all the secondary characters. He was Theo's sergeant-major during the war and now runs his civilian life. I loved their relationship, which is far more like friends than employer/employee. Kitchen's interactions with Theo were fun, especially when he tried to guide Theo along a particular path. He and Theo warmed my heart with their determination to help his men after they returned from the war. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Colorado Kidnapping - Cindi Myers (HI #2242 - Oct 2024)

Series: Eagle Mountain: Criminal History (Book 2)
With his little girl missing…
One lawman will stop at nothing to bring her home
The disappearance of his young daughter sets sheriff's deputy Ryker Vernon on the trail of desperate kidnappers. Complicating the single father's mission is the search and rescue volunteer who joins the lawman's team. Harper Stanick was Ryker's high school sweetheart…until she vanished from his life. As past secrets surface, the hunt leads to someone close to Ryker. Now he and Harper must stop a ruthless criminal with a deadly agenda if they are to bring his lost little girl home. 

I really need to stop starting these books late in the day if I want to get any sleep. I started reading after dinner and couldn't put it down until I finished it, well after midnight. Once again, the author penned a story that sucked me in at the beginning and kept me hooked to the end.
Harper moved back to Eagle Mountain after her divorce, ready to move on with her life. She joined the Search and Rescue team to stay busy and meet new people. The last person she expected to see was her high school sweetheart, Ryker.
Ryker left Eagle Mountain after being accused of murdering his young cousin. He was cleared, but many people still looked at him as if he were guilty. After settling into a new town, the woman he was dating got pregnant, and they married. Then she left him, abandoning their daughter. Ryker returned to Eagle Mountain, where his parents could help him care for four-year-old Charlotte while working his new job as a deputy. He was shocked when he ran into Harper at an accident scene.
Harper and Ryker have a history together. They were teen sweethearts despite Harper's mom's disapproval. When Harper became pregnant, her parents sent her away and prevented her from contacting Ryker. At the same time, Ryker was dealing with the murder of his cousin without her support. Neither had a way to find each other. They were wary when they met again, remembering the past pain. I liked that they were mature enough to talk and clear the air about their past, setting the stage for renewing their friendship. They didn't expect to discover their enduring attraction.
Before they can explore those feelings, Ryker's daughter is kidnapped. I was glued to the pages as the sheriff's department, search and rescue team, and volunteers kicked into high gear to find the little girl. I loved how Ryker and Harper teamed up, first to figure out who took Charlotte and then later to search. It was a roller coaster of successes and disappointments with a nail-biting conclusion.
There are still some things Ryker and Harper must deal with before they can look to a future together. I ached for Ryker, who believes he's made too many mistakes with Harper for her to trust him. I loved their conversation and openness with each other as they put the past to rest. The epilogue was terrific.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Castles - Julie Garwood (Pocket - July 1993)

Series: Crown's Spies (Book 4)
England, 1819. Orphaned and besieged Princess Alesandra knew that only hasty marriage to an Englishman could protect her from the turmoil in her own land. To the amusement of her makeshift guardian, Sir Colin Hallbrook, younger brother of the Marquess of Caineswood, the bold raven-haired beauty instantly captivated London society. But when Alesandra was nearly abducted by her unscrupulous countrymen, the fighting instincts that won Colin a knighthood for valor were rekindled.
Deceiving himself that he wanted only to protect her, Colin swept her into a union meant to be a marriage in name alone... yet Alesandra's tender first kiss and hesitant caress ignited a wildfire in his soul. As the lovely princess dashed headlong into unforeseen dangers, Colin would follow, knowing he must claim her as his own forever. Now he would risk life itself before he would lose this sweet, tempestuous angel...

This is my first reread of this book in many years, and I still love it. It had a few issues, such as using the word "sexy," which didn't come into use until the 1890s. All of that aside, it was a fun book with likable characters and Garwood's trademark humor.
Alesandra was orphaned at the age of 12 and spent the next several years being raised by the nuns at a convent. Her high spirits and unique perspective made her life with the nuns very interesting. Alesandra's conversation with the mother superior when told she would stay with her guardian was a good preview of what would come. Matters become complicated when she arrives at the Duke's house to find that his family and his oldest son's are ill. She is sent to stay with the Duke's younger son, Colin.
Colin spends his days working to make his shipping business a success. He has a five-year plan that doesn't include marriage. That hasn't stopped his parents from pushing him to get married. When Alesandra shows up at his house, Colin is sure it is another setup by his father. He's unhappy that the need to protect her is real and that he is stuck with her. He's not entirely out of the woods, though, because she needs to be married quickly, and he is at the top of the list of recommended suitors.
The sparks between Colin and Alesandra are evident from the start. Each tries to ignore the attraction. But when Colin becomes ill, Alesandra nurses him back to health, and the attraction grows. When she is nearly abducted, the need for marriage becomes urgent. The Duke calls a meeting at his house, which includes the entire family, and they attempt to decide on an appropriate husband for her. One of the book's best parts is this scene, as Colin consistently finds something wrong with each suggestion while resisting the suggestion for him to step up. Everyone around Colin can see the truth that he refuses to admit - he cares for her. I laughed out loud at the outcome. I loved watching Colin continue to fall under Alesandra's spell after they married and got to know each other. They finally admitted their feelings for each other in a sweet and humorous way.
The book is filled with how Alesandra gets around some of Colin's stubbornness. She is frequently in cahoots with Colin's butler, Flannaghan, who is starstruck around "their princess." From her financial dealings through her "Uncle Albert" to colluding with Colin's doctor about his leg injury to her deception about the shares in his company, Alesandra finds a way to help without fighting him over it.
There is also a bit of intrigue as Alesandra worries about a missing friend. Her refusal to accept the consensus keeps her pushing for more information. I figured out the answer early in the book, but that didn't diminish my enjoyment. The final confrontation was intense. 


Monday, September 9, 2024

Welcome Home, Katie Gallagher - Seana Kelly (HS #2091 - July 2017)

Nobody said a fresh start would be easy
A clean slate is exactly what Katie Gallagher needs, and Bar Harbor, Maine, is the best place to get it. Except the cottage her grandmother left her is overrun with woodland creatures, and the police chief, Aiden Cavanaugh, seems determined to arrest her! Katie had no idea she'd broken his heart fifteen years ago…

Terrific story about trust, letting go of the past, and new beginnings. I loved the characters, the emotional angst, and the humor that balanced it out.
Katie spent her summers in Maine with her grandparents. She was full of energy and had the reputation as a hellion,  thanks to actions that "seemed like a good idea at the time." When she grew up, the man she married turned out to be a cheating, controlling nightmare. Nothing Katie did was ever right or good enough. He even withheld the news of her grandmother's death, so she didn't go to the funeral. Now, she is in the midst of divorcing him, and she sets out for a fresh start in Maine in the house her grandmother left to her. She runs afoul of the police chief, Aiden, on her way into town in a hilarious encounter that has his head spinning.
Aiden grew up in their town but left for college and some time with the Boston police department before returning home. Now, he is the police chief. Aiden was dumped by his fiancée the day before their wedding and is still bitter about it a year later. He is convinced women can't be trusted and refuses to get involved with anyone. The last person he expects to see is Katie, the girl he crushed on as a teenager.
I enjoyed watching the relationship between Katie and Aiden develop. Both have been hurt in the past, so neither wants to admit the attraction. Their interactions are frequently hilarious. Aiden is determined to keep his distance but can't ignore his need to watch over her. Katie's house is a critter-infested mess, and watching her try to deal with it provides some of the funniest moments in the book. Every time they encounter each other, the sparks fly. Katie begins to accept her growing feelings for him, but whenever Aiden gives in to his attraction, his insecurities send him running. His hot-and-cold attitude stirred up Katie's insecurities. Sometimes, I wanted to shake both of them and lock them in a room until they got past their hangups. Matters come to a head when Katie finally has enough of Aiden's waffling and calls him out. He deserved some suffering after realizing what an idiot he'd been, so I was happy to see that Katie didn't give in too quickly. I loved the epilogue.
Supporting characters: I loved Bear, the handyman. He wanted sparks between him and Katie, and they just weren't there. But he turned out to be a good friend. Aiden's grandfather, Conner, was sweet once they got past their initial meeting. I loved his support of Katie. I also enjoyed the relationship between him and Aiden. He won my heart when he helped make Katie's dream come true. And I can't finish the review without mentioning Katie's dog, a Newfoundland named Chaucer. He was a big ol' goofball, and I loved how he was always there when Katie needed him. 


Friday, September 6, 2024

Unsolved Bayou Murder - Carla Cassidy (HI #2188 - Jan 2024)

Series: Swamp Slayings (Book 1)
There's only one way to clear his name.
But he needs her help.
Freed from prison after fifteen years, Beau Boudreau turns to Peyton LaCroix. Their love affair ended the night he was wrongly accused of murder. Now Beau needs the Black Bayou defense attorney to help clear his name. With the case -- and reawakened passion -- heating up, time is running out to find someone who has killed before. And is getting ready to kill again.

I have mixed feelings about this book. The mystery/suspense kept me reading well into the night, but I wasn't really feeling the romance. Fifteen years earlier, Beau and Peyton were a couple. She was eighteen, and he was twenty-one, and they had big dreams for their future. But Beau was accused and convicted of murdering a "working girl" and sent to prison. He swore he was innocent, but Peyton was influenced by her wealthy parents, who never approved of "swamp rat" Beau. She caved into the pressure to believe he was guilty.
Fifteen years later, Peyton is a defense attorney who returned to her hometown to start her own firm. The last thing she expected was Beau to come to her after his release from prison. He wants her help in finding out who really killed Lacey. This is where Peyton's actions first turned me off. She still believes he's guilty and doesn't see why they should stir things up again. It isn't until he reminds her of a critical piece of evidence that she realizes he is innocent, and she finally agrees to help him. I was irritated that she had had no faith in the man she supposedly loved. Now, she's all in on uncovering the truth.
The sparks of attraction between them are still intense, but Beau is wary of getting involved with Peyton again. He is still hurt and angry over the way she abandoned him all those years ago. In addition, he's now an ex-con with a bleak future, thanks to a betrayal by his best friend. He feels there is no way he and the respected attorney can have a future together. But as they work together to clear his name, there is no denying the feelings that keep growing stronger. I liked that once she believed Peyton was all-in on the investigation and refused to back down when threatened. Their road to a future together still has a few bumps - prove Beau's innocence and convince him they have a chance to be happy.
The suspense of the story is what kept me hooked. It is evident from the start that Beau's arrest and conviction resulted from prejudice and incompetence. I liked seeing Peyton dig into the details of the case. A lot is working against them because the townspeople still believe he is guilty. There is also someone determined to stop the investigation. Attacks on Peyton and Beau increase in intensity the closer they get to identifying the murderer. The final confrontation was intense, with a twist that surprised me. I was happy to see Beau's reputation restored. 

The Little Irish Farm - Michelle Vernal (Bookouture - Aug 2024)

Jess Báre moved to the Emerald Isle to chase fairy tales. But when one takes her to an isolated farm in the clover-covered countryside, will she find the happy ending she's been searching for? Or are some tales best left untold?
Pursuing her dream life in Ireland, twenty-something Dublin newspaper columnist Jess is now half a world away from her family and feeling pretty lonely. At least she has her childhood collection of antique fairy tales. But she longs to be out exploring all the old stories Ireland is famed for.
So when she finds a heart-breaking dedication to a little girl in a new addition to her collection, Jess knows that the story behind it would be perfect for her next column. And, when her research takes her to a tumbledown farmhouse in a tiny Irish village, she can barely contain her joy. The endless rolling hills surrounding the small cottage are just like the scenes in Jess's favourite novels.
She even warms to the dark and brooding farmer hosting her, Owen. He may come off a little grumpy, but it doesn't take long for Jess to be swept up by his dark eyes and quiet charms as they walk together across the fresh green fields of the farm. And Jess's heart melts when she discovers he is hiding a tragic secret…
One wrapped up in the history of the farm, and very same little girl Jess is here to research. But, with the demands of her job calling her back to the home she hates, she must decide: does their story end here at the farm? Or could following her heart heal the wounds of a devastating past, and set her and Owen on the path to happily ever after?

Good book with an interesting storyline. Jess is a New Zealander who moved to Dublin to work as a journalist. She has a weekly column in the newspaper and is always looking for interesting things to write about. She also collects children's fairy tale books. Jess's latest find has a little girl's name in it and she gets the idea to track down the previous owner and see what she's doing now. She connects with the little girl's brother, Owen, a gruff, moody pig farmer, and learns about Amy's tragic fate.
Jess has two good friends, Brianna and Nora. Brianna is married with a small son, and Nora is single and constantly looking to set Jess up with blind dates. I loved the fun they had together and how they had each other's backs, whether they needed support or a kick in the pants. In this book, Nora is dating a film star, and sets Jess up with his friend, Nick. Nick is a handsome, wealthy property developer who wines and dines her. Jess wonders if Nick might be The One. At the same time, she feels a connection with Owen as she spends time with him, learning about Amy.
I enjoyed watching Jess with the two men in her life. Nick is smooth and flashy and rather full of himself. She's pretty taken with him, but I had reservations about him, mainly when he talked about his work. Being around Owen was like being on a roller coaster. He could go from grumpy and curt to charming and talkative at the drop of a hat. He has issues from his past that make it difficult for him to trust, and Jess frequently bumps up against those issues. Owen and Jess have some work to do before fully trusting each other.
Another part of the story deals with the tension between Jess and her mother, Marian. Marian can be quite pushy when "encouraging" Jess to get out and find a man. I laughed at many things she said, but I was also glad I wasn't the one on the receiving end. Jess panics when Marian visits Ireland because she knows what her mom can be like. Matters come to a head when Jess and Marian visit Owen. This time, Jess's insecurities are creating problems. I loved the emotional scene in the car when Jess and Marian finally clear the air between them. The ending was sweet, and I loved the epilogue.
Jess's treatment of Amy's story was terrific. I loved the mix of innocent young girls caught up in events beyond her control and its effect on her family's lives. That touch of sadness was a good foil for the amusing parts of the story and gave a good balance. 


Monday, September 2, 2024

Let Me Call You Sweetheart - Nancy Gideon (SIM #851 - Apr 1998)

Series: Whose Child?
He'd always been the wrong-side-of-the-tracks bad boy of Sweetheart, Iowa -- the kind a "nice" girl like Bess Carey wasn't supposed to want. But that hadn't kept her from loving him -- not even when he disappeared without a word....
Now Zach Crandall had returned to uncover the truth about the tragedy that had driven him away. But this town was determined to keep its secrets. And Bess lived in fear of what would happen if he knew her most shattering secret -- the truth about the child he'd never known....

Good second chance story. Zach and his siblings grew up in an abusive home, looked down on by most of the people in town. Zach reacted by living down to their expectations. The only person who saw through his façade to the vulnerable boy underneath was Bess. She was his tutor for several classes and got to know him well, going from wary to in love with him. But Zach disappeared the same night his father was murdered, leaving people believing he was the murderer. His mother claimed to have done it and went to prison.
Bess grew up with a straight-laced and controlling mother. She was raised to be a "good girl" and constantly warned about protecting her reputation. That didn't stop her from loving Zach despite her mother's objections. When Bess discovered she was pregnant after Zach's disappearance, it was her mother who took control.
Seventeen years later, Bess's mother is dead, and Bess inherits the family bookstore. She runs the store, dresses conservatively, is on many committees, and does her best to evade the local matchmakers'  attempts to find her a husband. The high points in her life are when her niece, Faith, comes to visit. The last thing she expected was for Zach to return to town.
Zach returned to town to be there when his mother returned from serving her sentence. He also wants to find out the truth about who killed his father. He's sure that his mother didn't do it. He also wants to see Bess again.
I ached for Zach and Bess. Zach's return sets the entire town on its ear. They still treat him as though he's guilty of murder. But Zach has a surprise for them all when he shows up for the first day of his new job. I laughed out loud at the shock and consternation of the residents and loved seeing him trample over their expectations. Bess is shocked at his return and stunned to discover she still has feelings for him. She also fears him discovering her secret. But her mother's influence is still strong, and she is torn between those feelings and her fear of others' opinions. It takes an eye-opening conversation with her niece for Bess to break free of the chains that have held her back. I loved her big moment at the end.
Zach stirs up a hornets' nest when he starts asking questions about his father's murder. As he and Bess dig into his father's past, they find themselves the target of someone who doesn't want them to succeed. Escalating attacks kept them on edge, while the twists of their investigation kept me guessing. The final confrontation was intense and not who I expected. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Lyon's Saving Grace - C.H. Admirand (Dragonblade - Aug 2024)

Series: Lyon's Den (Book 63)
A man with nothing to lose…
Lieutenant Lord Alec Quinton gambled and lost in the Lyon's Den. But Mrs. Dove-Lyon grants him a second chance. Will he win the hand of an heiress this time, or face his worst fear?
Forced to retire from the Navy when an injury leaves him with one and a half legs, his pride takes a second hit when he returns home and his fiancée cries off. His dream is to breed horses, but needs an influx of ready coin. He seeks to marry an heiress who will agree to a marriage in name only.
A hoyden on the verge of losing everything…
Lady Catherine Huntington's widowed mother is bedridden, and her aunt has struck a bargain with the Black Widow of Whitehall, but time is running out. She must marry by her twenty-first birthday, or lose her inheritance and the ability to pay for her mother's care.
She'd rather spend her time in the country, racing her gelding through an open meadow, than attending the tedious round of entertainments in London. If only she could find a man agreeable to a marriage in name only.
Mrs. Dove-Lyon has made the perfect match: two people who love horses and want a marriage in name only. But will their stubborn pride bend and listen, when their hearts cry out for more?

Terrific book. I was so happy to see Alec get another chance at finding love after losing one of Mrs. Dove-Lyon's challenges. Unlike many of the other defeated contestants in her contests, Alec is a good man and deserves his chance. I ached for him and everything he has gone through. He was forced to retire from the Navy after the Battle of Trafalgar when his injuries resulted in the loss of part of his left leg. In another blow, his fiancée cried off. Because of that, he seeks a marriage in name only. I especially loved his commitment to help other returning veterans.
Kit needs to marry before her twenty-first birthday or lose her inheritance. She needs that money to take care of her bedridden mother. She tried the usual route of Society balls, but she'd rather be in the country with her horses. This unconventional attitude and tendency toward direct speech limit her desirability in Society's eyes. All she wants is a marriage in name only and the opportunity to be with her horses. Her aunt makes a deal with Mrs. Dove-Lyon to find her a husband.
Alec and Kit first encounter each other during the Lyon's Den masked ball. They are immediately drawn to each other. Alec does something that gets him banned from the Lyon's Den before he can uncover the mysterious lady's identity. Fortunately, with the aid of two friends, he convinces Mrs. Dove-Lyon to give him a second chance. His biggest obstacle is to win the challenges set up to win Kit's hand - challenges that involve his greatest fear. I loved his determination and how he faced those fears. Kit fell quickly for the man who saved her from a drunken patron but had no idea who he was. She was thrilled when she discovered he would be one of those vying for her hand.
I loved their quick connection. They are open and honest with each other, which goes a long way toward achieving their happy-ever-after. Though both looked for a marriage in name only at the outset of their journey, their growing feelings led to the decision to make it real. I ached for Alec, whose injuries have made him wary of trusting someone with his heart. Kit won my heart with her love and acceptance in an emotional scene on their wedding night. Not everything is sunshine and roses. Alec and Kit must contend with a sore loser in the marriage competition who is bent on revenge.
I loved the characters' appearances from the author's other series and previous books in the Lyon's Den. The seamless inclusion of those such as Captain Coventry and members of the Duke's Guard are always fun to read.