Finished Monthly Challenges

 Finished Monthly Challenges

 January Monthly Challenge


1. Happy January Birthday!: 
🍾 Read a book published in January, or read a book with red on the cover in honor of January's birthstone, the Garnet.
The Pierogi Peril - Geri Krotow (Severn House - Jan 2024) - Jan 4
2. January Month-Long Observance - National Mentoring Month (United States): National Mentoring Month is a month-long series of events designed to raise awareness of mentoring among young people and adults. Launched jointly in 2002 by the Harvard School of Public Health and MENTOR National, NMM is now celebrated by for-profit and non-profit organizations, governments, and individuals worldwide.
🍾 Read a book with a character who would be considered a mentor or one who has a mentor. You may also read a book that includes a teacher or student, has a school setting (any level), or where someone learns a new skill of any kind.
A Hideaway Wharf Holiday - Laurel Greer (HSE #3011 - Oct 2023) (diving instructor) - Jan 5
3. Featured Author Challenge (FAC) – Robyn Carr: 
🍾 Read one book written by Robyn Carr or any author with her first or last name.
Fun facts about Robyn Carr:
* She currently lives in Nevada, where she’s “fallen in love” with the desert
* Robyn currently writes both romance and women’s fiction
* She is a RITA award-winner and recipient of the 2016 RWA Lifetime Achievement Award
* Two of her book series (Virgin River & Sullivan’s Crossing) have been made into TV shows
🍾 You may also read any book set in Nevada (or anywhere else with a desert), or a book written by any RITA award-winning author, or a book/series that was made into a television show or movie.
Operation Takedown - Justine Davis (HRS #2256 - Dec 2023) (RITA author) - Jan 1
4. New Year's Day – January 1: Starting with the nation of Samoa and ending near the uninhabited atoll of Baker Island, the world will ring in 2024 in one of the most celebrated holidays of the year.
🍾 Read a book that’s new to you in some way (series, author, genre, etc). You can also read a book where a character resolves to change something in their life, a book with a firework-worthy first kiss (your interpretation), or a book with the numbers 20 or 24 somewhere in its page count or publication date.
Meadow Falls - Carolyn Brown (Montlake - Jan 2024) (change) - Jan 7
5. National Science Fiction Day – January 2: Celebrate the science fiction genre on a day that commemorates the birthday of famous hard science fiction writer Isaac Asimov.
🍾 Read a book that’s shelved on Goodreads as paranormal or science fiction. You can also read a book with something space-related (planets, stars, etc.) or technology-related (computers, robots, etc.) on its cover or a book with a character who works in a STEM profession.
Sharp Evidence - Julie Miller (HI #2192 - Jan 2024) (scientist) - Jan 20
6. National Clean Off Your Desk Day – January 8: On this day, unclutter and organize your workspace to get your new year off to a clean start!
🍾 Clean up that TBR list by reading a book from it. You can also read a book with a character who works a desk job or a book where a character cleans up their living area and/or life, whether it’s in the literal or emotional sense.
Her New York Minute - Darby Baham (HSE #3032 - Feb 2024) (desk job) - Jan 16
7. National Michigan Day – January 18: As a Michigander, I had to include this one! πŸ˜‰ In 1837, Michigan became the 26th state. One of eight Great Lakes states, it’s known for many things: the largest freshwater shoreline in the United States, Motown music, the Mackinac Bridge and Sleeping Bear Dunes, a town called Hell (which does, indeed, freeze over), Motor City, the Edmund Fitzgerald shipwreck, and much more!
🍾 Read a book set in any of the Great Lakes states (Illinois, Indiana,, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin) or written by a Michigan author. You can also read a book where a character goes boating or swimming, a book with the numbers 18 or 37 in the page count, or a book with a scene that makes you think of Michigan in some way.
Part of His Royal World - Nina Singh (HR #4887 - Feb 2024) (boating) - Jan 18
8. Backwards Day – January 31: On this day, partake in doing something in reverse just for the fun of it! New year, new backward you!
🍾 Read a book that’s opposite for you in some way: maybe a subgenre you wouldn’t typically read or a Christmas book—but in January. You can also read a book that shows the side or back profile of a person or animal (back, back of head, etc.) on the cover or a book where a character seems to do something backward (your interpretation), whether it’s something like their approach to a situation, wearing clothes inside out, or simply looking in a mirror.
Claiming His Convenient Princess - Susan Meier (HR #4867 - Sept 2023) (back and side) - Jan 2
9. Silent Record Week: Commemorate the history of silent records by engaging in a quiet activity during the first week of January. As the author Victoria Wolff once said, “One must learn to be silent just as one must learn to talk.”
🍾 Read a book where a character engages in some quiet time by doing something such as meditation, reading, writing, or simply isolating themselves from others. You can also read a book with something on the cover that makes you think of silence or a book that you think would be good to spend some quiet time with.
Once Upon a Charming Bookshop - Heatherly Bell (HSE #3022 - Dec 2023) (reading) - Jan 10
10. Reader's Choice: 
🍾 Read any book of your choice.
 Accidentally His - Sabrina Jeffries (Kensington - Jan 2024) - Jan 11
 February Monthly Challenge

1. Happy February Birthday!:
πŸ’˜Read a book published in February, or read a book with purple on the cover in honor of February's birthstone, the Amethyst.
2. February Month-Long Observance - Black History Month: Black History Month is an annual observance originating in the United States. It has received official recognition from governments in the United States and Canada, and more recently has been observed in Ireland and the United Kingdom. It began as a way of remembering important people and events in the history of the African diaspora. It is celebrated in February in the United States and Canada, while in Ireland and the United Kingdom it is observed in October.
πŸ’˜Read a book with a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) character or a biracial relationship. You may also read a book with a mostly black or brown cover
Sergeant Mack - Julie Miller (Ladytech Inc - Jan 2024) (brown cover) - Feb 23
3. Featured Author Challenge (FAC) author - Jennifer Crusie:
πŸ’˜Read one book written by Jennifer Crusie or any author with her first or last name. Link to Jennifer Crusie's backlist -
Fun Facts about Jennifer-
* Jennifer was born and raised in a small town in Ohio
* She has multiple post-graduate degrees and taught for several years before quitting to devote herself full time to writing and to finishing the Ph.D. The fiction writing took off, and the PhD was never completed.
* Her first published title was Manhunting, and was published in 1993.
* Jennifer writes both solo and in collaboration with her long-time writing partner, Bob Mayer.
πŸ’˜You may also read a book set in Ohio or by an author from Ohio, with a school setting or featuring a teacher or student, a book set in the 1990s, or a book that is a collaboration by two (or more) authors.
The Maverick's Holiday Delivery - Christy Jeffries (HSE #3013 - Nov 2023) (teacher) - Feb 21
4. February 3 - The Day the Music Died - Commemorates the untimely death of singers Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and the Big Bopper. These three Rock singers died in an airplane crash on February 3, 1959. at the height of their popularity.
πŸ’˜Read a book featuring a musician, or in which music otherwise plays an important role. You may also read a book where someone travels by plane, or that includes a travel mishap/disaster (your interpretation...could be anything from a plane crash to a flat tire on the way to the grocery store).
Trapped in Texas - Barb Han (HI #2146 - June 2023) (singer/songwriter) - Feb 16
5. February 11 - Superbowl Sunday - Biggest (American) football game and second biggest party/snack day of the year.
πŸ’˜Read a book featuring a professional athlete or other athletic person, or with an athletic-looking cover model. You may also read a book that includes a fun, happy gathering of good friends and/or family.
The Summer Book Club - Susan Mallery (Canary Street Press - Feb 2024) (gathering) - Feb 28
6. February 13 - Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday - It’s time to party it up, and ….eat!! Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday. It is a day of celebrations and excessive food, drink and partying, as the following day is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent and a long fasting period for Christians.
πŸ’˜Read a book that includes a huge celebration, a character who overindulges in some way, or is set in or written by an author from New Orleans, Lousiana or Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. You may also read a book with purple, green or gold on the cover.
Heart Like a Cowboy - Delores Fossen (HQN - Dec 2023) (green on the cover) - Feb 23
7. February 14 - Valentine's Day - A day celebrating lovers!
πŸ’˜Read a book that is MPG romance, or that has a mostly red or pink cover.
MPG = Main Page Genre - the genres listed on the main book page below the book description.
Ballerina and the Greek Billionaire - Suzanne Merchant (HR #4874 - Oct 2023) (MPG) - Feb 8
8. February 20 - Love Your Pet Day - People just love their pets, and this day is an easy excuse to spend time with them and give them lots of love and special treatment.
πŸ’˜Read a book in which an animal plays a significant role...anything from a MC who is a shifter to a scene-stealing pet. You may also read a book that has an animal of any kind on the cover
Must Love Bees - Sasha Summers (HQN - Jan 2023) (bee) - Feb 13
9. February 26 - Tell a Fairy Tale Day - This is the day to take time out to read a story to your kids or grandkids. If the kids aren’t around, it’s certainly okay to read them alone. Everybody loves a good fairy tale.
πŸ’˜Read a book that is a fairy tale retelling or that has a child in the storyline. You may also read a book with a "cartoonish" cover (artist's renedring as opposed to a photograph)
Their Secret Twins - Tara Taylor Quinn (HSE #2993 - July 2023) (children) - Feb 19
10. Reader's Choice:
πŸ’˜Read any book of your choice.

March Monthly Challenge


1. Happy March Birthday!:
πŸ€Read a book published in March, or a book with a light blue (or just blue) cover in honor of March's birthstone, the aquamarine.
Cinderella in the Spotlight - Sophie Pembroke (HR #4891 - Mar 2024) - Mar 4
2. March - Irish-American Heritage Month (United States): Irish American Heritage Month is celebrated in March every year and honors the achievements and contributions of Irish immigrants and their descendants living in the United States.
πŸ€Read a book set in Ireland, or with an Irish author or character. You may also read a book with a primarily green cover.
The Duke's Enforcer - C.H. Admirand (Dragonblade - Mar 2024) (Irish character) - Mar 19
3. Featured Author Challenge - Abbi Glines:
πŸ€Read a book by this month's Featured Author, Abbi Glines, or by any author with one of her first or last names.
Fun Facts about Abbi Glines:
 She writes contemporary romance, frequently young adult or new adult in nature.
 She was born in Alabama but lives in New England.
 She believes in ghosts.
 She never cooks unless you count baking holiday cookies.
πŸ€So you may also read any book set in the south (US) or in New England. You can also read any book featuring ghosts or cooking. Or you can read any book shelved as Contemporary Romance.
Island Homecoming - Regan Black (Kindle Scribe - Nov 2023) (South Carolina) - Mar 4
4. Old Stuff Day - March 2:
πŸ€Read a book that has been on your shelves for a long time.
The Accused - Jana DeLeon (HI #1441 - Aug 2013) - Mar 17
5. I Want You to Be Happy Day - March 3:
πŸ€Read a humorous romance.
The Lyon's Paw - Jenna Jaxon (Dragonblade - Feb 2024) - Mar 11
6. If Pets Had Thumbs Day - March 3:
πŸ€Read a book with animals in the story or a shifter romance.
One Dangerous Night - Cathy Maxwell (HarperCollins - Apr 2024) (animal) - Mar 21
7. International Day of Awesomeness - March 10:
πŸ€Read a book that has a high rating on GR.
The Perfect Witness - Katie Mettner (HI #2203 - Mar 2024) (4.8) - Mar 14
8. Oscar Day - March 10:
πŸ€Read a book you think would make a good movie.
The Masqueraders - Georgette Heyer (William Heinemann - 1928) - Mar 7
9. Extraterrestrial Abduction Day - March 20:
πŸ€Read a Sci-Fi or Fantasy Romance.
10. Reader’s Choice:
πŸ€Read any book of your choosing!

April Monthly Challenge


1. Happy April Birthday!:
Read a book published in April, or a book with a yellow cover in honor of April's birthstone, the diamond. Yellow canary diamonds are the most expensive and sought-after!
Forbidden Nights With the Paramedic - Alison Roberts (HMED #1381 - Apr 2024) - Apr 4
2. April Month-Long Observance  - Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month: Since its origin in 1986, the goal is to increase the level of interest, appreciation, and understanding of mathematics and statistics.
Read a book with a character who studies, teaches, or works in a STEM-related field (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
A Maverick's Holiday Homecoming - Brenda Harlen (HSE #3019 - Dec 2023) (marine biologist) - Apr 16
3. Featured Author Challenge - Sawyer Bennett: Read a book by this month's Featured Author, Sawyer Bennett, or any author with one of her first or last names.
Fun Facts about Sawyer Bennett:
 She writes contemporary romance, fantasy romance, and both women’s and general fiction
 She is a former trial lawyer from North Carolina
 She has one adorable daughter
 She also has naughty dogs
So you may also read any book set in the United States. You can also read any book featuring a lawyer, a child or an animal. Or you can read any book shelved as Contemporary or Fantasy Romance.
A Puppy on the 34th Ward - Juliette Hyland (HMED #1352 - Nov 2023) (US/Contemporary) - Apr 12
4. April Fool's Day - April 1:
Read a book with a foolish or sneaky character or a book that is a stand-alone
Tourist Season - Brenda Novak (Mira - Apr 2024) (stand-alone) - Apr 9
5. Find A Rainbow - April 3:
Read an LGBT romance or a book with several different colors on the cover
The Wild Lavender Bookshop - Jodi Thomas (Kensington - Apr 2024) (several colors) - Apr 17
6. Deep Dish Pizza Day - April 5:
Read a book set in the food or drink industry (farming counts) or a book written by an author with a deep backlist (many published books)
Hotshot Hero for the Holidays - Lisa Childs (HRS #2257 - Dec 2023) (backlist - 106) - Apr 15
7. No Housework Day - April 7:
Read a book you would want to relax with, maybe in bed or on your porch or a book with a 'messy' character (your interpretation)
The Wedding Box - Toni Blake (Oliver Heber Books - Apr 2024) (relax with) - Apr 10
8. Walk on Your Wild Side Day - April 12:
Read a book you wouldn't normally pick up or a book that is or has been wildly popular
9. National Hanging Out Day - April 19:
Read a book with friends in the story or a book that has been 'hanging around' your tbr too long
10. Reader’s Choice:
Read any book of your choosing!

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