Friday, August 2, 2024

The Lyon's Golden Touch - Sara Adrien (Dragonblade - July 2024)

Series: Lyon's Den (Book 61)
A duke in hiding falls for his cousin's intended bride—will he reveal his secret for love?
In the heart of Regency England, where secrets lurk behind every opulent door, Lady Alexis Wentworth "Lexi" is about to uncover the most thrilling secret of all.
Dustin Fitzwater, Duke of Duncan, has concealed his true identity. Haunted by his father's scandal, he seeks solace and anonymity as a skilled dentist on Harley Street. But his meticulously constructed world unravels when he encounters the enchanting debutante.
Lexi must marry quickly to save her reputation from her sister's scandal. Mrs. Dove-Lyon has the perfect duke in mind, but there's a catch. Before Lexi can fulfill the condition, she is irresistibly drawn to a charismatic dentist. Entangled in emotions and intrigue, Lexi's heart aches with forbidden love. When she uncovers Dustin's true identity, the stakes are even higher. She hasn't just fallen for the wrong cousin; she's fallen for a man who could shatter her future and break her heart.
Mrs. Dove-Lyon's ultimate challenge: Can her skills unite the real Duke of Duncan and the imposter with their perfect matches?

Good book. I have enjoyed the author's other Lyon's Den books with their medical settings. It is a nice change from other Regency romance balls and house parties. This is the first time I have read one with a dentist as the hero, and I found it very interesting.
Dustin is a duke in hiding. Rather than take up his duties as duke, he lives under an assumed name and works as a dentist while trying to find the man who betrayed his father. He intends to leave for America and cede the dukedom to his cousin. I liked Dustin. Besides being too focused on revenge, he is kind, compassionate, and professional. I love that he cares for everyone, rich or poor. It bothered me that he was so willing to leave his heritage behind to pursue revenge.
Lexi is in a hurry to marry. Thanks to her sister's liaison with Prinny, Lexi is also tainted by scandal. This doesn't sit well with her obsession with being perfect. She asks Mrs. Dove-Lyon to find her a titled husband as quickly as possible. Mrs. Dove-Lyon, realizing that Lexi is suffering from a bad toothache, sends her to the dentist before she will arrange anything. I had a hard time liking Lexi. Her naiveté isn't unexpected, but she is self-centered, paranoid, and judgmental. She epitomized the worst stereotype of a romance reader with her obsession with one of the books she read.
When Lexi arrives at Dustin's office, she is terrified of what will happen. She's heard plenty of horror stories about pulled teeth, and none fit her self-perceived perfection. Instead of sitting and waiting for the dentist, she starts poking around the room and handling the instruments as though she has the right. She and Dustin are gobsmacked by the other's good looks, distracting them from the matter at hand for a little while. I liked Dustin's patience with Lexi's fears. Once she gets past her fear, Lexi's curiosity kicks in. I enjoyed Dustin's explanations and Lexi's interest.
Over the next few days, Dustin and Lexi grow closer. There's an amusing scene where Lexi and the nurse, Wendy, extoll the virtues of their favorite book characters while Dustin listens with amazement. I thought it was sweet how he read some of the book to see what was so special to Lexi.
Complicating matters, Mrs. Dove-Lyon has found a duke for Lexi. The dinner with him is awkward at best, as all Lexi can think about is Dustin. An unexpected twist throws a wrench into Dustin's plans, while his growing feelings for Lexi cause him to reevaluate his priorities. Lexi also discovers something about herself and what is important. It takes Mrs. Dove-Lyon to unravel the issues keeping Dustin and Lexi apart. The resolution didn't surprise me, but I look forward to reading the cousin's story. 

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