Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Her Grace's Daring Proposal - Joanna Johnson (HH #1734 - July 2023)

The wife everybody wants
Will choose the husband nobody expects!
Widowed duchess Isabelle Sherborne's wealth has made her the talk of the ton -- but also the target of fortune hunters! So, when they threaten to hold Isabelle to ransom by destroying her young sister's reputation, Isabelle asks mercenary Joseph Carter for help. To save everything that Isabelle holds dear, she must convince him to marry her. Yet whilst their convenient vows will protect her, they could put her heart in danger…
Good book with an interesting premise - duchess marries hardened mercenary. Both characters had heartbreaking pasts that influenced the direction of their lives. Widowed Isabelle has inherited a great deal of wealth from her late husband, making her the target of fortune hunters. When a particularly desperate one threatens to destroy her younger sister's reputation if Isabelle doesn't cooperate, she hires a mercenary to rescue her sister.
I liked Isabelle. She has a loving heart and is intelligent, courageous, and stubborn. The deaths of her parents when she was eighteen made her the guardian of her younger sister. But she was in a desperate situation without a home and the funds to support them. A convenient marriage to one of her father's best friends gave them the home they needed until his death. Isabelle has no desire to marry again but knows she might have to. I liked her determination to protect her sister and her courage to gain the desired help.
Joseph's past was also heartbreaking. Abandoned at a workhouse as an infant, he grew up feeling unloved and unwanted. Other boys bullied him, and his lone attempt to run away resulted in a life-long hatred of the upper classes. He has the reputation of being ruthless, cold, and emotionless.
The initial meeting between Isabelle and Joseph doesn't go well. Sensing her Society ties, Joseph is purposely as obnoxious and rude as possible. Isabelle immediately regrets her plan and leaves. Though Joseph doesn't want to admit it, something about her sticks with him, and he follows her to ensure she is safe. After rescuing her from an attack, they reconsider their options.
I enjoyed watching their relationship develop. Seeing Joseph steamrollered by Isabelle's refusal to go along with his edicts was amusing. I enjoyed watching her get under his skin. Though they are antagonistic initially, under that antagonism are sparks of attraction neither wants to admit. Joseph is convinced that he is unlovable and unworthy of any kindness. Meanwhile, Isabelle sees the good in him that he refuses to acknowledge. When it becomes evident that Isabelle needs to marry to protect herself and her sister, she asks Joseph to marry her. He's stunned at the trust she shows him, and an unexpected encounter with a fellow mercenary shows him the way forward.
I loved watching them grow closer after their marriage. Isabelle brings out the good in Joseph, though he still believes he is unworthy of her. Trouble at an event brings Joseph's fears and insecurities to the surface, and he pulls away from the deepening relationship. I loved that Isabelle didn't just accept his withdrawal. Her method of solving the problem was unexpected, and the result was life-changing for him. The ending was sweet and emotional. I would have liked an epilogue to follow up on what he learned. 


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