Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Murderous Intent - Rachel Lee (HI #2211 - May 2024)

Series:  ConardCounty (Book 74)
As a storm rages,
can he unmask the murderer in their midst?
When a killer strikes twice in the same day, former soldier turned stockade owner Josh Healey steps in to protect the locals who've taken refuge across the creek. But it's writer Krystal Metcalfe who penetrates his hardened exterior. Then, just as the investigation is truly getting underway, a savage rainstorm cuts them off from the outside world. Now Josh and Krystal must trust each other with their secrets to stop a chilling vendetta...and survive.

Good book that kept me interested from start to finish. It is fast-paced, as the story takes place over a few days. Krystal and her mother own a writer's retreat in the Cash Creek area of Conard County. Krystal loves the peace and quiet of the forest retreat and is disturbed when the long-absent property owner across the creek moves in and starts building a fort. Her initial encounters with him don't go well.
Josh is a veteran turned psychologist who builds a retreat for fellow veterans who have PTSD. He is very protective of his soldiers and worries about the attitudes of outsiders toward them. They pretty much keep to themselves.
As the story starts, a group of writers is at the retreat. Some are introverted and keep to themselves as they do their writing. Others are friendlier and like to socialize. Then there is one who is highly extroverted and constantly makes himself the center of attention. Krystal doesn't like him, but he brings business to the retreat. Mason is bloviating one day when Josh bursts into the lodge, fuming mad. Someone cruelly injured a dog and left it outside the stockade. He all but accuses one of them of being the culprit.
Tension increased as people on both sides of the creek worried about what might happen next. There is a worrisome visit with the dog's owner and an interview with the sheriff, who came to investigate the shooting. The injured dog, Reject, adopted Krystal and went home with her. The day went on with a storm building, and Reject showed up at the stockade. When Josh returns him to Krystal, he senses trouble. Things get freaky when Reject intermittently howls and stares out the window. Josh trusts that the dog senses something and decides to stick around.
Things go from bad to worse when Mason and another writer are found dead. Is the killer out there somewhere, waiting to kill again? Or is it one of them, huddled in the lodge, wondering what is happening? Josh's protective instincts are aroused, and he recruits some of his soldiers to help protect the writers. The suspense is intense as Josh and Krystal attempt to keep everyone safe and figure out who is behind the murders. In an unusual step, the author reveals the killer to the reader early. I wasn't surprised by the identity, but the accomplice was a surprise. The final confrontation was a nail-biter, with a resolution that wasn't what I expected.
The relationship between Josh and Krystal happened quickly. It was a rough start, with Krystal being suspicious and Josh being uncommunicative. But under the antagonism were sparks of attraction that neither could ignore. When the trouble started, Josh couldn't fight his protectiveness. Krystal was smart enough to accept his help. Spending that much time together allowed them to get to know each other a little. It takes Krystal a while to understand Josh's prickliness about his vets, but I liked that she tried. I loved that they acknowledged their feelings but knew they needed to get to know each other better.
I liked seeing some Conard County regulars like Gage Dalton and Connie Parrish. 


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