Thursday, July 18, 2024

Unexpected Family for the Rebel Tycoon - Rachael Stewart (HR #4911 - Aug 2024)

From just neighbors…to a forever family?
Everyone's heard of Matteo De Luca: tycoon, soccer player and international thrill seeker. Until an injury sees him permanently benched -- and bored! So bored that when his neighbor's kid drives off another nanny, Matteo volunteers to step in, adding "manny" to his CV. After unexpectedly becoming her nephew's guardian, it's clear Porsha's defenses are high. But as Matteo gets to know the woman beneath, a startlingly intense connection emerges… Could this be his biggest adventure yet?

Emotional story of an unwillingly retired football (soccer) player, a frazzled executive, and the seven-year-old boy who brings them together.
The story opens with Matteo attempting to relax in his backyard. The loss of his soccer career has left him looking for something to fill the hole in his life. He is bored until a frilly item of lingerie sails over the fence and lands on his head. When he heads next door to return said item, he is nearly bowled over by a woman in a hurry to leave, followed by one begging her to stay.
Porsha became guardian to her nephew, Fin, two years ago when her sister was killed in a tragic accident. She does her best to give him a good life while keeping her job, but Fin is hard on his nannies. This was the fifteenth nanny in as many months.
I loved this first meeting between Matteo and Porsha. The flying bra, the water balloon, and Fin's starstruck recognition of Matteo made me laugh out loud. Fin and Matteo's immediate connection gave him a chance to relieve his boredom. I loved his shock when he heard himself offer to watch Fin while Porsha works, becoming, in essence, a "manny." The scenes with Fin and Matteo were terrific as they bonded over their love of football.
Matteo had a difficult childhood and refused to open up to the potential hurt of loving someone. He is attracted to Porsha but tries to resist. Porsha's childhood was spent with a family that flew by the seat of their pants, taking risks and living day by day. As a result, she thinks everything through, often focusing on the negatives, resulting in very little fun in her life. Matteo is determined to help her learn to let go. He invites her and Fin to his island home near Capri. I loved watching Porsha learn to have fun, with Matteo and Fin encouraging her. There were some intensely emotional scenes as Porsha worked through the fears that have kept her prisoner, and I loved seeing the changes in her.
Spending that much time together gave the sparks between them a chance to grow. I ached for Porsha, who knew she was falling for Matteo but also that he didn't believe in lasting love. It is also evident that Matteo is falling for her, but he refuses to accept it. Everyone around them can see how they belong together. But both have fears and insecurities to overcome, and the path to their HEA hits a few bumps. The ending was terrific, and I loved the epilogue. 


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