Sunday, July 14, 2024

Saved by the Lyon - Laura Landon (Dragonblade - July 2024)

Series: Lyon's Den (Book 60)
Only time will tell if spending her massive wealth to purchase Phillip Eversley, the Duke of Markham is the best or worst purchase Violet has ever made.
A wounded Major Phillip Eversley returns from the war to discover his father and brother are both dead and he is now the Earl of Markham. He also discovers that before their deaths, they went so deeply into debt that even if Phillip sells every unentailed property he now owns, he can never save the one property he loves most - his grandmother's home, Parkland Estate.
Because of the massive wealth her father left her, Lady Violet Slushman becomes one of the wealthiest women in London. The former wallflower is now besieged with suitors desperate to marry her – but only for her money. She is left with no choice but to go to Mrs. Bessie Dove-Lyon, the black widow of Whitehall, renowned owner of the Lyon's Club. Mrs. Dove-Lyon is known throughout London as the one and only person who can find a way to erase any scandal and make a match for anyone seeking one. And Violet is desperate to find a husband to protect her from the money-hungry letches. She only has two requirements, that the man Bessie Dove-Lyon chooses for her puts her wealth to good use, and he is not so handsome that he makes her plainness more obvious.
Instead, Violet is forced to use her wealth to buy the most handsome man in all of England.

Enjoyable story. Violet has spent years listening to her mother compare her to her sister and find her wanting. A family scandal caused her parents and sister to depart England for America, leaving Violet behind. When their ship went down, it left Violet a very wealthy woman and the target of every fortune hunter in London. Violet took matters into her own hands and asked Mrs. Dove-Lyon to help her find a suitable husband.
Phillip returned to London from the war after the deaths of his father and brother. He is now the Earl of Markham and finds that they left the estate in so much debt there is no way for him to recover. His only option is to marry a wealthy woman. That is something he is reluctant to do until Mrs. Dove-Lyon summons him.
I liked Violet and Phillip. Both are kind and honorable and were outcasts in their own families. Violet is intelligent and was trained in financial management by her father, leaving her in an excellent position to manage her inherited wealth. Phillip feels guilty about his need to marry money until he talks to Violet and learns about her issues. Though neither is in love when they marry, they form a quick friendship and make excellent partners in managing his estates.
I loved watching their relationship develop as they got to know each other. It was a slow but sweet buildup filled with kindness, humor, and understanding. There was a scene with someone from Phillip's past that had a surprise ending and a twist at the end that surprised me. The epilogue was terrific. 

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