Wednesday, July 10, 2024

How the Wallflower Wins a Duke - Lucy Morris (HH #1811 - Aug 2024)

Marina Fletcher's Rules:
Rule 1: Spend life composing music in peace. Do not worry about finding a husband. Rule 2: If must worry about finding a husband, marry for love only or commit to becoming a spinster. Rule 3: Resist urge to spend time with the sinfully sexy Duke of Framlingham, who clearly does not believe in love. Rule 4: Never ever say yes to said duke's wicked plan for us to silence society's expectations with a fake engagement…
But what happens when this wallflower breaks every single rule?

Good book. Marina is the daughter of a prominent architect. She is also a talented musician, though her confidence took a hit several months earlier thanks to a deceitful man. Since then, Marina has decided to concentrate on her music and not worry about finding a husband. Though she wants a family of her own, she won't give up her hope for a love match. As the book opens, she and her parents arrive at the Duke of Framlingham's home for a house party and audition for an architect to build a new house. Also present is her father's greatest rival and his family. The tension between the two families is evident from the start.
Brook, the Duke of Framlingham, recently inherited the title after his father's and older brother's deaths. As the "spare," he spent most of his life feeling second-best and ignored. He made his life in the army and was happy there. Since taking up the title, Brook has felt weighed down by his responsibilities to the estate and cleaning up his mother's messes. He wants to have the opportunity to live life on his terms finally. He plans to leave England to travel the Continent and enjoy the privileges he now has. Unfortunately, his mother is equally determined to keep him in England and see him married.
After spending some time talking to Marina, Brook has the idea of asking her to enter into a fake engagement with him. That will get his matchmaking mama off his back and allow him to do the traveling he wants. Brook proposes that she would then be able to concentrate on her music without the added distraction of husband-hunting. The encounter did not go as he had hoped, but he remained intrigued by Marina. She eventually gives in to his proposal.
The development of their relationship was interesting. Brook is falling for her but refuses to see it. He is focused on his desire to leave England. Marina's feelings for Brook also grow, but she believes she isn't suitable for him. There are interesting twists involving Marina's brother, her music and insecurities about it, and the ever-obnoxious Moorcroft family, but none diminishes the strengthening attraction between them.
My favorite part was the support that Brook gave Marina the night she performed her music. I loved his appreciation of her talent and his determination to give her the confidence she deserved. But fears and insecurities pull them apart. It takes Brook facing his past before he can look at the future. I loved the ending and the depth of emotion as Brook and Marina looked at the future together. 


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