Friday, July 12, 2024

Redeeming the Maverick - Christine Rimmer (HQN - Aug 2024)

Series: Montana Mavericks: Trail to Tenacity (Book 1)
The return of the prodigal rancher…
Hayes Parker swore he would never return to Tenacity, a town that had given him nothing but hard feelings and heartbreak. Now his father's illness has beckoned him home to the family ranch, bringing him face-to-face with…her. Chrissy Hastings, the one who got away. Hayes has changed a lot since he was a hotheaded teen. But he can't just pick up where they left off. First, he must prove he's a man she can count on…for keeps.

Terrific start to the new series. There is a new town and new characters, with cameos by some old friends. Hayes left town when he graduated from high school after butting heads with his father for years. Though he swore he'd never go back, he went when his mom called, needing help. He didn't expect to come face-to-face with his high school girlfriend minutes after arriving in town. Chrissy was just as shocked to see him. Each plans to keep their distance from the other, but Fate has other plans.
When Chrissy's condo gets flooded, she needs somewhere to stay while it is repaired. She could move back in with her parents, but Chrissy doesn't want to deal with her mom's controlling nature. She's surprised when Hayes offers her a place at the ranch. She's hesitant because of their history, but Hayes swears it's only as friends.
I enjoyed seeing the rekindling of their relationship. They find it just as easy to talk now as back then, but that also brings back memories of their deep feelings for each other. Every time one of them starts feeling stirrings of attraction or closeness, they pull back, afraid of being hurt again. But those feelings become harder to resist the more time they spend together. When they finally give in to the attraction, each tries to convince themselves that it is just "friends with benefits" instead of acknowledging the truth.
I ached for both Hayes and Chrissy as they fought their feelings. I especially wanted to shake Hayes as he continued to deny the truth even after Chrissy dared to speak up. He earned every bit of the misery he felt after they parted. I loved the ending and seeing Hayes face the fears that kept him from accepting Chrissy's love. The epilogue was terrific, and I look forward to seeing more of them in later books. 

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