Monday, August 5, 2024

No Turning Back - Lindsay McKenna (HI #2217 - June 2024)

On the edge of war,
a country needs its protectors.
Captain Ram Kozak is steeled to defend his country against all those who would hurt it. His only weak point is Darina “Dare” Mazur, a US Army Special Forces combat medic. She has a confidence -- and loving touch -- that brings him to his knees. But with the fate of his team and his country at stake, is Dare's love a deadly distraction…or the only thing that can save him?

Terrific return to the author's roots as a military romance writer. It brought back fond memories of her Morgan's Mercenaries series. Instead of the wars against the drug trade or in Afghanistan, here the setting is Ukraine in the months before the Russian invasion. In addition to the romance, I enjoyed the more personalized view of people and places.
Dare is the adopted daughter of two Ukrainian nationals living in the US. She grew up visiting her parents' families in Ukraine and speaking the language. As an adult she became a combat medic and served a tour in Afghanistan. While there, she spent two years working with a Ukrainian special forces team led by Ram Kozak. She is in Ukraine teaching others how to be combat medics.
Ram is known for being cold and emotionless and bringing his team home without injuries. They are preparing for the upcoming invasion and have just returned from six months of special training in the US. He is stunned to discover that Dare is in Kyiv and is being reassigned to his unit.
I enjoyed watching the development of the relationship between Dare and Ram. Their deep respect for each other's abilities was undeniable. They fell in love during their time together in Afghanistan, but they never shared those feelings because of their situation. However, neither has forgotten them. Drawn together by circumstances, they get to know each other and become closer. I loved the little touches of seeing them cook together, visit their friends, and try to lead a normal life in the midst of planning for war. I loved how Dare saw beneath Ram's controlled surface to the haunted man underneath. Her care and compassion break through the wall around Ram's heart. My heart broke for him as he shared his past with Dare. I loved the effect that sharing had on him.
The increasing tension as the time for the invasion grew closer kept me glued to the pages. The stress of needing to keep their relationship secret, added to their fears of seeing each other in danger, made each day precious to them. Knowing what lies ahead of them creates worry for their future, but a twist at the end gives me hope for their happy ever after.
I liked getting to know Adam and Lera and their two little girls. I felt Ram and Dare's fears for their safety, which gave me extra insight into the dangers that lie ahead.


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