Friday, August 16, 2024

Falling for Her Forbidden Bodyguard - Hana Sheik (HR #4972 - Sept 2024)

Independent and strong-willed Anisa is furious. Her estranged brother has hired a bodyguard to follow her all the way to Madagascar, supposedly to protect her from hidden enemies! But as their eyes lock, she can't deny it would be easy to fall for the gorgeous stranger. Clearly Nasser feels the same, yet he's grappling with guilt from a painful past. Anisa knows they mustn't give in to their forbidden attraction…only their connection is too powerful to ignore!

Good book in a beautiful setting. Anisa is a production assistant for a film company shooting a picture in Madagascar. She is stunned and angry when she arrives and discovers that her estranged brother has hired a bodyguard without her permission. But no matter how vocal her objections are, nothing dissuades him from sticking close. Anisa would find it much easier to ignore him if he wasn't so good-looking.
Nesser agreed to guard Anisa in exchange for her brother's help on a private matter, but nothing would keep him from carrying out his plans. Anisa's stubborn resistance is both frustrating and amusing. However, the job would be much easier if he wasn't so attracted to her.
The sparks flew between Anisa and Nasser from the moment they met. The first few days were rough as Anisa made her displeasure known and tried hard to ditch Nesser whenever possible. Her frustration was evident as he foiled her at every turn. I liked that Anisa realized she was being unreasonable and changed her attitude. I liked seeing her and Nasser get to know each other. As they did, the attraction between them grew. But guilt from a devastating event in his past keeps him from giving in to his feelings.
A twist involving Anisa's brother adds new tension to their relationship. Nesser's need for revenge drives a wedge between them. I ached for what he went through in the past, its effect on his life, and what it was doing to his relationship with Anisa. I liked the ending and seeing that Anisa's words and care brought him unexpected peace. The epilogue was good, but left me wondering about Anisa's brother. I'd like to see a story about him.
I enjoyed the parts about Anisa and her history. I ached for her and the pain she felt over her relationship with her brother, Ara. There was some stubbornness on both sides that added to the strain. Seeing them mend that relationship with honesty and love was a lovely secondary storyline.

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