Friday, March 1, 2024

The Lady of a Lyon - Linda Rae Sande (Dragonblade - Jan 2024)

Series: Lyon's Den (Book 52)
She's a former courtesan. He was once her favorite client. Will a conniving earl thwart a matchmaker's efforts to see them reunited?
Newly widowed viscountess and mother to a young boy, Annabelle reluctantly returns to London in the hopes of securing invitations to Society events. Although she’s more than able to run the Burwick viscountcy on behalf of her son, Benton is in need of a titled father to help him along in life. Worried someone will recognize her—she was one of the ladies of The Elegant Courtesan before Burwick made her his viscountess and took her off to his country estate—Annabelle soon realizes she can’t hide her identity when one of her former clients confronts her. Embarrassed and angered by his overtures, Annabelle decides to leave her fate in the hands of matchmaker Bessie Dove-Lyon.
As a lieutenant colonel in the British Army and the second son of an earl, Jeffrey never expected to inherit an earldom and have to marry. Now he's in a quandary. He’s in desperate need of funds, for the Year of No Summer has left the earldom’s coffers empty. When he spies his favorite flame-haired courtesan in a tailor’s shop with a young boy, Jeffrey doesn’t realize she’s become a respectable lady. His comment about her son is mistaken as an insult, and he fears he may have missed his opportunity with the woman he still finds irresistible.
Learning he can win a wealthy woman in a game of chance at The Lyon’s Den, Jeffrey agrees to the Black Widow of Whitehall’s matchmaking method.
When he discovers Annabelle is the prize, the stakes may be more than he can afford, for if she ends up in the arms of a man he trusts, his heart—and a friendship—will surely be broken.

Terrific addition to the Lyon's Den series. Annabelle is recently widowed and has a five-year-old son. She needs another husband so that her son has someone to teach him what he needs to know. But as a former courtesan, Annabelle worries that her past will come back to haunt her. That fear is realized when a former client recognizes her, and she is concerned that he may reveal her secret. Annabelle takes her mother's advice and goes to Mrs. Dove-Lyon for help securing a match.
Jeffrey needs help. Due to the deaths of his father and older brother, Jeffrey has inherited the earldom. Unfortunately, the estate's coffers are empty, leaving him needing a wealthy wife. Upon the advice of his lawyer, he appeals to Mrs. Dove-Lyon for help in finding a rich woman to marry. Having just encountered his former favorite courtesan and inadvertently insulted her, his preferences for a wife are pretty specific.
The first meeting between Jeffrey and Annabelle was quite awkward. Annabelle's fear of being recognized was realized and by the man she has never forgotten. Jeffrey's comment was insulting, and he earned her reaction. I liked his immediate regret and attempted to apologize. He doesn't give up trying to make amends, and his visit the next day has much better results. It doesn't take long for them to reconnect and discover their feelings are as strong as ever. I enjoyed watching their developing relationship. Both quickly regret their arrangements with Mrs. Dove-Lyon, but they are committed and must follow through. The tension mounted as the contest for her hand drew near, as there was another contender for the top spot. The match was intense, with a twist I didn't see coming. I loved how it ended.
Besides the relationship between Jeffrey and Annabelle, there were a couple of secondary romances and some surprise family developments. Annabelle's mother, Lucy, is mourning the loss of her longtime protector and Annabelle's father. Then, a man from her past reappears, showing interest in resuming where he left off many years earlier. I enjoyed watching the development of this later-in-life romance. Lucy also receives a visit from her late protector's legitimate son.
Upon his father's death, Anthony was shocked to learn of his longtime mistress and the existence of a half-sister. I loved his acceptance of Lucy in his father's life and his excitement at discovering he had a sister. Having thought he was now alone in the world, he is thrilled to have a sister and a nephew. I loved the first meeting between Anthony and Annabelle and their immediate ease with each other. Anthony also meets a young woman who knocks him for a loop. I loved Natalie.
I also adored Annabelle's son, Benton. I loved his seriousness as he fulfilled his role as the new viscount, especially when he was introduced to women. His fascination with the toy soldiers was fun, especially when he and Jeffrey got together.
The book finished with an epilogue that took place six years later. I loved catching up with the various characters.

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