Friday, June 7, 2024

Their Fairy Tale India Escape - Ruby Basu (HR #4889 - Feb 2024)

Series: If the Fairy Tale Fits (Book 3)
Rina longs for independence, but she's indebted to the overprotective aunt who raised her. When tycoon Connor arrives to acquire her family's company, she sees an opportunity to escape with him on a business trip to India. Their desire ignites the second they arrive! Yet Rina soon learns that commitment-phobe Connor's life is as complicated as hers. Can the spark between them last beyond their temporary adventure?
Interesting Rapunzel-style romance. Rina's parents died when she was ten, so her Aunt Maria raised her. Rina and Maria are the only family each other has, and Maria has become super protective of Rina. They rarely leave their small Swiss town, though Rina longs to travel. Rina and Maria own a company that is famous for its haircare products. Rina is the developer of these products. I ached for Rina. She feels guilty about her need to get away because she loves her aunt and wants to keep her happy.
Connor arrives in their town to talk to Maria about acquiring her company. He travels constantly for his work, bringing back unpleasant childhood memories.  His father couldn't keep a job, so they were continually moving. If Connor successfully acquires this company, he will have earned a promotion that allows him to limit his travels.
Connor and Rina met accidentally several days before his scheduled meeting with Maria. They have an immediate connection, but Rina is a little wary since she has limited experience with strangers. But she is also friendly and adventurous, so she offers to show Connor around the area. Connor is drawn to Rina's joy in everything she experiences. There are sparks of attraction that both attempt to ignore. A relationship between them is impossible. Connor won't allow himself to get close to anyone, preferring to protect himself. Rina knows that her place is with her aunt. Both are shocked when they discover they are connected through the business, which endangers their connection.
When Rina finds out Connor's next stop is India, her mother's birthplace, she is determined to accompany him. Connor is less than enthusiastic, as he is having enough trouble resisting his attraction to her. It was fun to see Rina's determination against Connor's resistance - it was pretty obvious what the outcome would be. I loved their time in India. Rina learned about her past, Connor experienced a different perspective on traveling, and both learned a little about themselves. Their attraction continued to grow, but along with it was a feeling that hoping for more was impossible. I hurt for them both when the trip was over, and they had to part.
The following weeks and months were difficult as Connor and Rina came to terms with their feelings and tried to find their way to the future. Friendship was possible, but not enough for what they both felt. I liked watching Rina stretch her wings as her relationship with her aunt changed. Connor also took some surprising steps that altered his life. I loved his big moment at the end. It was sweet, romantic and emotional. The epilogue was a terrific follow-up with a peek into their lives a few years later. 


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