Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Last Chance Investigation - Tara Taylor Quinn (HRS #2252 - Nov 2023)

Series: Sierra's Web (Book 12)
Haunted by his last case…
And his first love!
When a message in a bottle points to the possible copycat case of a just-solved crime, Detective Levi Griggs is determined to find closure and the potential new victim. Even if at the case's center lies Kelly Chase -- the woman who shattered his heart.
Renowned psychiatrist Kelly certainly doesn't expect to find herself pursuing a mystery with the high school love she left behind. But as she and Levi untangle the past, they're running out of time in the present…

Good book with an unusual storyline. Levi was the detective who solved a fifteen-year-old case, ending the life of a man who had kept a woman prisoner for many years. Unfortunately, the man killed his victim before Levi could free her and shot Levi. As the book opens, Levi is recovering from his injury and dealing with the guilt he feels about the victim's death. He's surprised when the sheriff shows up with a new clue like the ones in the case he just closed. He's stunned when he finds out who discovered it.
Kelly returned to Idlewood for the first time in thirteen years to clean out and sell the cabin she inherited from her grandparents. She has mixed feelings about the house, many tied up in the memories of her high school boyfriend, Levi. Kelly left the town and Levi behind when she went to college and pursued her dream. Now, she is a psychiatrist who works with law enforcement in Arizona. The last thing she expected was to get involved in chasing a mystery with Levi.
This was an intriguing story. As Levi and Kelly get into the investigation, they explore multiple possibilities. The notes could be from a copycat, with another victim hidden in the hills. It could be a stalker focused on Kelly, either by chance or as retribution for a case she has worked on before. It could be another victim reaching out for help. Levi and Kelly have differing ideas of who it is and must keep their minds open as they work together to uncover the truth. The conclusion had a twist I didn't see coming and had me on the edge of my seat until it was over.
I enjoyed watching the rekindling of Levi and Kelly's relationship. Neither had forgotten the other, and their chemistry was evident from the moment they met. However, Kelly has her life and career far from small town Idlewood, and Levi has never wanted to live elsewhere. They couldn't deny the attraction that still flared between them or the connection they felt. Both fight their feelings, knowing nothing can come of it. I liked seeing them get to know each other as adults, and especially liked Levi's growing respect for Kelly's abilities. I ached for them both when the case was over, knowing they each had lives that were far apart. I loved the ending and their plan for the future. 

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