Friday, May 31, 2024

Her Private Security Detail - Patricia Sargeant (HRS #2282 - June 2024)

Series: Touré Security Group (Book 2)
Philanthropist Symone Bishop is the most desirable woman Jeremiah Touré has ever met. She's also way out of his league, and he can't get involved with his client. Jerry knows how to protect Symone from the external threats menacing her nonprofit and her life. Can he save her from the devastating secrets the Touré Security Group uncovers? He knows he has to stay close to keep her from harm, but is he in danger of getting too close?
Good book with an intriguing suspense plot. Symone is the head of her family's philanthropic foundation. She is under attack on two fronts. The board is attempting to push her out, and she and her stepfather are being threatened. She hires the Touré Security Group to protect her stepfather but initially doesn't believe she needs it. That changes when it becomes evident that she is the main target of the attacks.
Jerry is the youngest of the three brothers and the one who handles personal protection cases. But he is suffering from a crisis of confidence after a protection assignment went wrong. Jerry blames himself and intends to leave the business before he creates another problem. He is reluctant to protect Symone for fear of failing again. However, something about her arouses his protective instincts.
The sparks between them are immediate, but both try to keep things professional. Their attraction continues to grow as the escalating attacks force them into closer proximity. I liked how both Jerry and Symone could see past the surface to each other's insecurities. However, every time they seemed to grow closer, Jerry would back away. It takes letting go of his fears for Jerry to allow himself to care finally.
The suspense of the story was terrific. The investigation into who would be motivated to kill Symone had many twists. The number of potential suspects made weeding them out a challenge. I enjoyed following their progress. I had suspicions about the probable culprit, and though I was right, there were a couple of unexpected surprises. The final confrontation was a nail-biter, and I was glued to the pages until it was over.


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