Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Beauty and the Playboy Prince - Justine Lewis (HR #4890 - Feb 2024)

Series: If the Fairy Tale Fits (Book 4)


Simone's quiet life in her Parisian bookshop is upended when best friend, Prince Edouard, arrives on her doorstep to hide from a royal scandal! Despite her embarrassing teenage crush on the playboy prince, she's always seen the man beneath his facade. Trapped together until the storm blows over, their friendship unexpectedly gives way to indescribable passion! Simone knows it's only temporary, but can't help dreaming of a happy-ever-after...

This was a nice friends-to-lovers story with the added twist that one of them is royalty. Simone and Edouard grew up together in the tiny kingdom of Florena as the only two children in the palace. Edouard is a prince and the heir to the throne, while Simone is the daughter of the palace chef. They were inseparable as children, but they rarely see each other as adults. Edouard is busy with his royal duties, and Simone moved to Paris, where she runs a bookstore.
Simone is shocked when Edouard appears on her doorstep, looking for a place to hide from a family scandal. Simone thought she was long past her teenage crush on him until the forced proximity brought those feelings back to life. Meanwhile, Edouard notices that his best buddy has grown into a beautiful woman, and spending time with her raises feelings he doesn't want after watching his parents' marriage. But when he suddenly becomes king, Edouard desperately wants Simone to return to Florena with him. She's the only one who sees the real him behind the royal façade.
Simone is reluctant because she knows she needs to protect her heart, but she goes anyway. I liked seeing Simone give Edouard the support he needed but ached for her as her feelings for him grew stronger. She knows that the gap between them is too wide for anything to come of it. She also has a heartbreaking incident in her past that affects how she looks at life in the royal spotlight. I liked Edouard's appreciation for everything Simone does for him. He is oblivious to her feelings for him for most of the book. It isn't until his feelings for her change that he believes she cares for him, too. Both must face their fears before they can hope to find happiness together.

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