Friday, May 31, 2024

A Little Bit of Love - Synithia Williams (HSE #3050 - June 2024)

Their first meeting changed her life
Their second one changes everything
Sheri "Li'l  Bit" Thomas will do anything to help revitalize the community she loves-even work with Lieutenant Deandre King, the cop who once
arrested her after a stupid breakup stunt. Opening her new restaurant is a great first step. Partnering with the handsome widowed dad on an outreach event for at-risk youth and businesses is an even better one. But neither counts on the attraction simmering between them-or the potential problems with Deandre's teen son. Is Sheri's past a bad example for him, indicative of drama to come? Or is she the mom-and wife-they never knew they needed?

This was a good book that was full of romance and family drama. Sheri recently returned to town and opened a restaurant. She loves her community but also admits that it has its problems. She is involved in revitalizing the area and works with the police lieutenant assigned to the project. She and Deandre have a history- Deandre was the officer who arrested her after she vandalized her ex's car.
Deandre is a widower with a teenage son. He moved to town after his wife's death so his in-laws could help with his son. He is determined to succeed with the revitalization project that he hopes will solve the problems of bored teenagers.
Neither Sheri nor Deandre anticipated the attraction that flared between them. I liked their connection and how well they understood each other's lives and challenges. Their growing feelings for each other are complicated by his son DJ's attempts to keep them apart.
I liked how the author handled the issue of the teens and DJ. It was a realistic look at the attitudes of the teens and the adults around them. There were some tense moments with DJ that Sheri dealt with well.
The problems with DJ cause Sheri and Deandre to step back from their growing relationship. I liked their honesty with each other. I loved seeing what brought them back together and their look toward the future. 


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