July Monthly Challenge

2024 July Monthly Challenge


1. Happy July Birthday! -
🧨Read a book published in July, or read a book with a red cover in honor of July's birthstone, the Ruby.
2. July Month-Long Observance - Dog Days of Summer
The dog days or dog days of summer are the hot, sultry days of summer. They were historically the period following the heliacal rising of the star system Sirius (known colloquially as the "Dog Star"), which Hellenistic astrology connected with heat, drought, sudden thunderstorms, lethargy, fever, mad dogs, and bad luck. They are now taken to be the hottest, most uncomfortable part of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
🧨Read a book set in the summer or in a hot climate, or you may read a book with a dog on the cover or in the storyline.
3. Featured Author Challenge (FAC) - Rachel Van Dyken:
🧨Read one book written by Rachel Van Dyken, or any author with her first or last name.
Fun Facts about Rachel Van Dyken:
* Rachel is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA TODAY Bestselling author of Regency and Contemporary Romance
* When she's not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks
* Rachel lives in Idaho with her family
* She can be found plotting her next book while watching guilty-pleasure TV
🧨You may also read a book that has been or will be made into a movie or tv show. You can read any book shelved as Contemporary or Historical Romance or a book by any author who has been on any bestseller list.
4. I Forgot Day- July 2nd-
🧨Read a book with a character who has amnesia or a book that has been lingering on your TBR for too long or a book with an older character
5. Body Painting Day- July 8th-
🧨Read a book that is set in NY or is written by an author from NY or a book with any amount of skin showing on the cover or a book with an artistic character
6. National Drive-Thru Day- July 24th-
🧨Read a book with food in the story or on the cover or a book with a vehicle on the cover or a book that you would consider a 'quick read'
7. National Lipstick Day- July 29th-
🧨Read a book with lips on the cover or a book with a character in the medical field (mouth to mouth may be needed!) or a book someone told you about (word of mouth)
8. Water gun Fight Day- July 30th-
🧨Read a book with a weapon on the cover or in the story, or a book with a military or law enforcement character (active duty or retired) in the story
9. Family Golf Month-
🧨Read a Sports Romance or a book with an athletic character or a book with family in the story or a book that you would consider 'low-angst'
10. Reader's Choice:
🧨Read any book of your choice.

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