Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Her Grace's Daring Proposal - Joanna Johnson (HH #1734 - July 2023)

The wife everybody wants
Will choose the husband nobody expects!
Widowed duchess Isabelle Sherborne's wealth has made her the talk of the ton -- but also the target of fortune hunters! So, when they threaten to hold Isabelle to ransom by destroying her young sister's reputation, Isabelle asks mercenary Joseph Carter for help. To save everything that Isabelle holds dear, she must convince him to marry her. Yet whilst their convenient vows will protect her, they could put her heart in danger…
Good book with an interesting premise - duchess marries hardened mercenary. Both characters had heartbreaking pasts that influenced the direction of their lives. Widowed Isabelle has inherited a great deal of wealth from her late husband, making her the target of fortune hunters. When a particularly desperate one threatens to destroy her younger sister's reputation if Isabelle doesn't cooperate, she hires a mercenary to rescue her sister.
I liked Isabelle. She has a loving heart and is intelligent, courageous, and stubborn. The deaths of her parents when she was eighteen made her the guardian of her younger sister. But she was in a desperate situation without a home and the funds to support them. A convenient marriage to one of her father's best friends gave them the home they needed until his death. Isabelle has no desire to marry again but knows she might have to. I liked her determination to protect her sister and her courage to gain the desired help.
Joseph's past was also heartbreaking. Abandoned at a workhouse as an infant, he grew up feeling unloved and unwanted. Other boys bullied him, and his lone attempt to run away resulted in a life-long hatred of the upper classes. He has the reputation of being ruthless, cold, and emotionless.
The initial meeting between Isabelle and Joseph doesn't go well. Sensing her Society ties, Joseph is purposely as obnoxious and rude as possible. Isabelle immediately regrets her plan and leaves. Though Joseph doesn't want to admit it, something about her sticks with him, and he follows her to ensure she is safe. After rescuing her from an attack, they reconsider their options.
I enjoyed watching their relationship develop. Seeing Joseph steamrollered by Isabelle's refusal to go along with his edicts was amusing. I enjoyed watching her get under his skin. Though they are antagonistic initially, under that antagonism are sparks of attraction neither wants to admit. Joseph is convinced that he is unlovable and unworthy of any kindness. Meanwhile, Isabelle sees the good in him that he refuses to acknowledge. When it becomes evident that Isabelle needs to marry to protect herself and her sister, she asks Joseph to marry her. He's stunned at the trust she shows him, and an unexpected encounter with a fellow mercenary shows him the way forward.
I loved watching them grow closer after their marriage. Isabelle brings out the good in Joseph, though he still believes he is unworthy of her. Trouble at an event brings Joseph's fears and insecurities to the surface, and he pulls away from the deepening relationship. I loved that Isabelle didn't just accept his withdrawal. Her method of solving the problem was unexpected, and the result was life-changing for him. The ending was sweet and emotional. I would have liked an epilogue to follow up on what he learned. 


Friday, July 26, 2024

The Gentleman's Gambit - Evie Dunsmore (Penguin - Dec 2023)

Series: League of Extraordinary Women (Book 4)
Bookish suffragist Catriona Campbell is busy: An ailing estate, academic writer's block, a tense time for England's women's rights campaign -- the last thing she needs is to be stuck playing host to her father's distractingly attractive young colleague.
Deeply introverted Catriona lives for her work at Oxford and her fight for women's suffrage. She dreams of romance, too, but since all her attempts at love have ended badly, she now keeps her desires firmly locked inside her head -- until she climbs out of a Scottish loch after a good swim and finds herself rather exposed to her new colleague.
Elias Khoury has wheedled his way into Professor Campbell's circle under false pretenses: he did not come to Oxford to classify ancient artefacts, he is determined to take them back to his homeland in the Middle East. Winning Catriona's favor could be the key to his success. Unfortunately, seducing the coolly intense lady scholar quickly becomes a mission in itself and his well-laid plans are in danger of derailing...
Forced into close proximity in Oxford's hallowed halls, two very different people have to face the fact that they might just be a perfect match. Soon, a risky new game begins that asks Catriona one more time to put her heart and wildest dreams at stake.

Good conclusion to the series. In this story, we have Catriona, the quiet one of the four women. She is an introvert who can only handle being around people for so long before she needs some alone time. This can be difficult when you serve as a hostess for your father, are involved in the women's rights movement, and have activities you are committed to at Oxford. As the book opens, Catriona enjoys the solitude of the family estate in Scotland despite the imminent arrival of one of her father's colleagues, which adds to her stress. She's horrified when she emerges from a swim in the loch and finds herself exposed to that same colleague.
Elias came to Scotland on a mission. He wormed his way into Professor Campbell's life to get access to some ancient artifacts from his homeland. He is determined to return them to their rightful place by any means necessary. Elias doesn't need Catriona's distraction, but he can't get her off his mind. Matters become complicated when they are forced to work together at Oxford.
Catriona is an interesting character. While she would like a chance at love, her romantic history has her convinced it isn't in the cards for her. She must also balance her idea of love with the realities of relationships in her time, which don't seem compatible. She struggles with balance in her life with competing activities of her writing, her suffragette work, her friends, and her studies. I could feel her stress when her life became too "peopley."
I liked Elias. He's a good man who loves his family and his homeland but is also frustrated by the limits placed on him. I liked his determination to resolve the issue of the stolen artifacts. Elias has also been burned in a romantic relationship.
I enjoyed the development of Catriona and Elias's relationship. The sparks of attraction are present from the moment they meet, but both are determined to resist them. At first, they try to avoid each other whenever possible, but Fate continues to throw them together. I liked watching them get to know each other. I loved how in tune Elias was with Catriona and how he understood when she needed space and when she needed him. I liked seeing Catriona's connection with Elias grow and deepen. It was sweet to see her attempt to cook for him. When she discovered his real reason for being in London, not only did she understand, she wanted to help. There is trouble when her desire to help runs up against his pride, especially when Elias's heart is also involved. Catriona must face her fears before she can open her heart, but the results are terrific when she does.
I enjoyed the continuation of the suffragette storyline from the other books in the series. The behind-the-scenes look at the activities and work that went into changing the laws was interesting. A few times, it felt a bit heavy-handed and slowed the story's pace. I loved the epilogue and seeing our intrepid ladies admiring their handiwork years in the future. I liked that it included all of the couples, but I would have liked more about Catriona and Elias's lives. I was slightly disappointed that there was no follow-through about the woman they encouraged to sue her husband. I would have liked to see how that turned out. 


Monday, July 22, 2024

River Justice - B.J. Daniels (HQN - Aug 2024)

Series: Powder River (Book 3)
When you look for the truth, there's no telling what you'll find…
Brand Stafford has long felt he didn't quite fit in with his siblings. Now he has the DNA evidence to prove his real father is the Staffords' ranching rival, Holden McKenna. That secret does more than complicate his family -- it's also made him the prime suspect in a kidnapping. His unlikely ally in clearing his name is Birdie Malone, newly arrived in Powder Crossing in search of answers of her own.
Impetuous and stubborn, Birdie has a knack for pulling Brand out of his comfort zone. Suddenly this rule-following cowboy is determined to do what he knows is right, whether that's tracking down a kidnapper or finally giving away his heart. Even if he has to put everything on the line to do it…

Terrific book, as the saga of the Staffords and McKennas continues. Brand Stafford has always felt a little disconnected from his siblings and wondered why. When his sister Oakley does a DNA test, he does one and gets the shock of his life. His father is Holden McKenna, his family's nemesis. He's unsure how to deal with the information but drops a copy of the results in Holden's mailbox, which lands him in unexpected trouble. The following day, he catches a strange woman lurking around the ranch.
Birdie Malone came to Powder River looking for answers about her father's disappearance and death. She's convinced that Brand's mother, Charlotte, killed him to get rid of the second husband she regretted marrying. Birdie is determined to find proof of Charlotte's guilt.
Birdie and Brand's meeting was amusing and not what either of them expected. Seeing the usually quiet, attention-avoiding Brand lose his cool around Birdie was fun. There are sparks of attraction between them, but they try to ignore them. Birdie talks him into helping her investigate, but before they can get started, Brand is accused of kidnapping Holden's teenage ward, Holly Jo.
Meanwhile, we witness Holly Jo's kidnapping and the terror she faces as she's held for ransom. Holden is beside himself with worry, and others are determined to help find the girl. We learn that the kidnapper has a grudge against Holden and is bent on revenge. Holden must figure out who it is before it's too late.
A lot is going on in this book. The search for Holly Jo and trying to identify the kidnapper is the most critical. The sheriff is frustrated with Holden's uncooperative attitude and the shortage of leads. That frustration increases when Birdie and Brandon get involved, putting themselves in danger. Birdie is one determined woman, and her impulsive actions do not endear her to the sheriff. There are plenty of tense moments and twists as the search continues. The final confrontation with the kidnapper was terrifying and had me on the edge of my seat until it was resolved.
Throughout the story, Birdie searches for answers about her father's death. I liked her determination and her faith in her father. The progress of her investigation was intriguing, and the conclusion was much more convoluted than I expected.
I ached for Brand as he dealt with the results of his DNA test. He's unsure if he's happy to know the truth or wishes he'd never done it. Should he be angry at his parents, who were married to other people at the time? I also hurt for Holden, who was blindsided and shocked by the news. The backstory between Holden and Charlotte is heartbreaking, as is what started the feud and their lives since then. I'm interested to see what else plays out between them.
The relationship between Brand and Birdie happens fast. The sparks are there from the moment they meet. I enjoyed seeing Birdie's influence on Brand as he took chances and allowed himself to risk his heart. I laughed at Brand's disbelief that he goes along with her schemes. I look forward to seeing more of them in the future.
The book finishes with a scene between Bailey McKenna and the sheriff. Something has been happening with her, but Stuart can't get her to confide in him. I suspect that they will be the focus of the next book. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Married by Mistake - Shannon Stacey (HSE #3024 - Dec 2023)

Series: Sutton's Place (Book 6)
A husband for the holidays!
When sworn enemies Chelsea Grey and John Fletcher travel to Las Vegas for a friend's wedding, the last thing they anticipate is waking up married themselves. Unfortunately, disentangling their wedding knot proves more complicated than they'd hoped. With Christmas fast approaching, the feisty barista and her coffee-hating "hubby" are still living under one roof -- and wondering why their temporary marriage is suddenly feeling suspiciously like the real thing…

Fun enemies-to-lovers story. Chelsea owns a coffee shop, and John is the coffee-hating digital artist who has the shop next door. They rubbed each other the wrong way from the moment they met. But their best friends, Molly and Callan, are getting married in Las Vegas and want them there. They put their feud on hold for their friends' sake. However, their temporary truce, combined with too much tequila equals waking up married to each other!
I was caught up in this story from the opening pages. Chelsea wakes up hungover and naked and horrified to discover that not only is John in the bed next to her, but they are both wearing wedding rings. There is no chance of what happened in Vegas staying in Vegas because Chelsea also posted the information on her social media pages. Neither understands how it happened because they detest each other. The only thing to do is file for annulment right away.
Matters become complicated when they return home. John's house was damaged by a fire, leaving him with few options for a place to stay during repairs. Chelsea steps up and offers her guest room despite her reservations. Though they initially plan to avoid each other as much as possible, Fate has other plans. Instead, they find themselves drawn to each other. I loved watching them get to know each other. There are sweet scenes, from watching their favorite show together to shopping for a Christmas tree. The sparks of attraction that got them into their marriage become more challenging to resist. It's easy to see them falling in love, but there are obstacles. The biggest one is that John plans to move away after a year, while Chelsea has put down roots and has no plans ever to leave.
When their annulment plans run into a snag, they must decide whether to stick to the original plan or make their marriage real. I wanted to shake both when they avoided confessing their feelings and continued with what they thought the other wanted. I loved their big moment at the end,  as John finally took a chance. The scene at the Sutton's Christmas party was sweet, emotional, and romantic. The epilogue was a terrific wrap-up for the book. 


Thursday, July 18, 2024

Unexpected Family for the Rebel Tycoon - Rachael Stewart (HR #4911 - Aug 2024)

From just neighbors…to a forever family?
Everyone's heard of Matteo De Luca: tycoon, soccer player and international thrill seeker. Until an injury sees him permanently benched -- and bored! So bored that when his neighbor's kid drives off another nanny, Matteo volunteers to step in, adding "manny" to his CV. After unexpectedly becoming her nephew's guardian, it's clear Porsha's defenses are high. But as Matteo gets to know the woman beneath, a startlingly intense connection emerges… Could this be his biggest adventure yet?

Emotional story of an unwillingly retired football (soccer) player, a frazzled executive, and the seven-year-old boy who brings them together.
The story opens with Matteo attempting to relax in his backyard. The loss of his soccer career has left him looking for something to fill the hole in his life. He is bored until a frilly item of lingerie sails over the fence and lands on his head. When he heads next door to return said item, he is nearly bowled over by a woman in a hurry to leave, followed by one begging her to stay.
Porsha became guardian to her nephew, Fin, two years ago when her sister was killed in a tragic accident. She does her best to give him a good life while keeping her job, but Fin is hard on his nannies. This was the fifteenth nanny in as many months.
I loved this first meeting between Matteo and Porsha. The flying bra, the water balloon, and Fin's starstruck recognition of Matteo made me laugh out loud. Fin and Matteo's immediate connection gave him a chance to relieve his boredom. I loved his shock when he heard himself offer to watch Fin while Porsha works, becoming, in essence, a "manny." The scenes with Fin and Matteo were terrific as they bonded over their love of football.
Matteo had a difficult childhood and refused to open up to the potential hurt of loving someone. He is attracted to Porsha but tries to resist. Porsha's childhood was spent with a family that flew by the seat of their pants, taking risks and living day by day. As a result, she thinks everything through, often focusing on the negatives, resulting in very little fun in her life. Matteo is determined to help her learn to let go. He invites her and Fin to his island home near Capri. I loved watching Porsha learn to have fun, with Matteo and Fin encouraging her. There were some intensely emotional scenes as Porsha worked through the fears that have kept her prisoner, and I loved seeing the changes in her.
Spending that much time together gave the sparks between them a chance to grow. I ached for Porsha, who knew she was falling for Matteo but also that he didn't believe in lasting love. It is also evident that Matteo is falling for her, but he refuses to accept it. Everyone around them can see how they belong together. But both have fears and insecurities to overcome, and the path to their HEA hits a few bumps. The ending was terrific, and I loved the epilogue. 


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Murderous Intent - Rachel Lee (HI #2211 - May 2024)

Series:  ConardCounty (Book 74)
As a storm rages,
can he unmask the murderer in their midst?
When a killer strikes twice in the same day, former soldier turned stockade owner Josh Healey steps in to protect the locals who've taken refuge across the creek. But it's writer Krystal Metcalfe who penetrates his hardened exterior. Then, just as the investigation is truly getting underway, a savage rainstorm cuts them off from the outside world. Now Josh and Krystal must trust each other with their secrets to stop a chilling vendetta...and survive.

Good book that kept me interested from start to finish. It is fast-paced, as the story takes place over a few days. Krystal and her mother own a writer's retreat in the Cash Creek area of Conard County. Krystal loves the peace and quiet of the forest retreat and is disturbed when the long-absent property owner across the creek moves in and starts building a fort. Her initial encounters with him don't go well.
Josh is a veteran turned psychologist who builds a retreat for fellow veterans who have PTSD. He is very protective of his soldiers and worries about the attitudes of outsiders toward them. They pretty much keep to themselves.
As the story starts, a group of writers is at the retreat. Some are introverted and keep to themselves as they do their writing. Others are friendlier and like to socialize. Then there is one who is highly extroverted and constantly makes himself the center of attention. Krystal doesn't like him, but he brings business to the retreat. Mason is bloviating one day when Josh bursts into the lodge, fuming mad. Someone cruelly injured a dog and left it outside the stockade. He all but accuses one of them of being the culprit.
Tension increased as people on both sides of the creek worried about what might happen next. There is a worrisome visit with the dog's owner and an interview with the sheriff, who came to investigate the shooting. The injured dog, Reject, adopted Krystal and went home with her. The day went on with a storm building, and Reject showed up at the stockade. When Josh returns him to Krystal, he senses trouble. Things get freaky when Reject intermittently howls and stares out the window. Josh trusts that the dog senses something and decides to stick around.
Things go from bad to worse when Mason and another writer are found dead. Is the killer out there somewhere, waiting to kill again? Or is it one of them, huddled in the lodge, wondering what is happening? Josh's protective instincts are aroused, and he recruits some of his soldiers to help protect the writers. The suspense is intense as Josh and Krystal attempt to keep everyone safe and figure out who is behind the murders. In an unusual step, the author reveals the killer to the reader early. I wasn't surprised by the identity, but the accomplice was a surprise. The final confrontation was a nail-biter, with a resolution that wasn't what I expected.
The relationship between Josh and Krystal happened quickly. It was a rough start, with Krystal being suspicious and Josh being uncommunicative. But under the antagonism were sparks of attraction that neither could ignore. When the trouble started, Josh couldn't fight his protectiveness. Krystal was smart enough to accept his help. Spending that much time together allowed them to get to know each other a little. It takes Krystal a while to understand Josh's prickliness about his vets, but I liked that she tried. I loved that they acknowledged their feelings but knew they needed to get to know each other better.
I liked seeing some Conard County regulars like Gage Dalton and Connie Parrish. 


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Her Fake Boyfriend - Heatherly Bell (HSE #3055 - Aug 2024)

Series:  Charming, Texas (Book 7)
Her Prince Charming…
In a make-believe fairy tale?
Talented divorce attorney and town newcomer Michelle LaCroix needs roots in Charming to make partner, according to her old-fashioned boss. And that means a boyfriend! Problem is, she's got to produce her beau in the flesh. Enter the town's most eligible bachelor, former professional athlete Finn Sheridan, who's only too happy to play pretend with his best friend's ex -- for a price. To his surprise, the more he's thrown together with Michelle, the more he's intrigued by a woman who's far more than her ice-queen exterior. But with Finn's trust still shattered by a brutal divorce, the make-believe match is just a fun diversion…until it becomes all too real!

Good book. Michelle came to Charming to reconcile with an old boyfriend. When that didn't work out, and she lost her job in Austin, she decided to stay in Charming and join a local law firm. Michelle is ambitious and wants to make partner, but her old-fashioned boss thinks she needs to be in a committed relationship first. So she has been talking up the boyfriend that exists only in her mind but avoiding the necessity to produce a real one. That ends one evening when she encounters her boss, and he insists on meeting him. Desperate, she latches onto Finn and begs him to play the part.
Finn is happy to go along with the ruse. He's been attracted to Michelle since he met her, but she's his best friend's ex and, therefore, off limits. In addition, thanks to a recent contentious divorce, Michelle being a divorce lawyer gives him pause.
I enjoyed watching their relationship develop. They had to spend time together to sell the illusion of their relationship, and as they did, they discovered that there was something real growing between them. I enjoyed their scenes together, especially when Finn attempted to break Michelle of her workaholic habits. I liked their teasing and seeing the changes in Michelle as her relationship with Finn grew. Things look good for them until the truth emerges, and Michelle's job is at stake. I liked the ending and the twist that helped everything work out. 


Monday, July 15, 2024

The Reunion - Jana DeLeon (HI #1452 - Oct 2013)

Series:  MystereParish: Family Inheritance (Book 3)
Bodyguard to an heiress is Tyler Duhan's idea of hell. The steely, sexy ex-marine has heard -- and dismissed -- the gossip about the haunted old LeBeau mansion and its "cursed" heiresses. Now the middle sibling -- headstrong Joelle -- has arrived to comply with her mother's will and reunite with her long-lost sisters.
But no sooner does she move into the house, than Joelle falls prey to terrifying threats and mysterious visions. Tyler, though he's sworn off femme fatales, can't deny his feelings for the Creole beauty. Nor can he let passion distract him. Because falling for Joelle could be a fatal mistake -- for them both.
Well-done conclusion to the series. Though it can be read as a stand-alone, reading the previous books gives a more detailed history of the events leading up to this one.
Joelle is the middle sister and the final one to return to Calais to claim her inheritance. She is a social worker who helps women escape their abusive husbands. When she learns of her inheritance and its conditions, Joelle takes it as an opportunity to escape the threats of a husband desperate to find his wife. She's excited to reunite with her sisters but nervous about staying in the house. Scenes from her childhood haunt her, and she doesn't know if they are real or the imaginings of a frightened child.
Tyler is the son of estate lawyer William Duhan. He recently left the Marine Corps and is in the process of starting his own security company. While waiting for the paperwork to process, Tyler's father talks him into providing bodyguard services to Joelle. He's not happy about it, but he'll do it for his dad.
Trouble starts as soon as Joelle moves in. Threats, mysterious intruders, and terrifying visions arouse Tyler's protective instincts. His determination to protect himself can't withstand Joelle's effect on his heart. Joelle wasn't looking for a relationship, but she couldn't deny the feelings Tyler roused in her.
The suspense of the story was excellent. The depths of their stepfather's evil actions were slowly revealed, leaving the three women wondering about their mother's death. A shocking discovery at the beginning of this book leads to more questions than answers. There are also attacks on Joelle and intruders who are clearly searching for something. As the incidents intensified, I was glued to the pages, anxious to get to the truth. The twists and turns of the final chapters kept me guessing, but I never expected the surprise at the end. 


The Betrayed - Jana DeLeon (HI #1447 - Sept 2013)

Series: Mystere Parish: Family Inheritance (Book 2)
One day on the job and contractor Zach Sargent is ready to believe the dilapidated old LeBeau mansion is haunted. Some intruder -- earthly or not -- is threatening the youngest LeBeau sister, back to claim her inheritance. And though Danae keeps her distance from the sexy hired hand, he falls for her in a heartbeat.
Like Danae, Zach has come back to Calais in need of answers to troubling questions about the LeBeau family past. But Danae must never know who he really is and he can't let his attraction to her stop his search…or else a decades-old evil will claim a new victim.

Good continuation of the series. In this book, it is the youngest daughter's turn to claim her inheritance by staying on the mansion's property for two weeks. Everyone hopes that the problems in book one (The Accused) have been resolved and that it will be uneventful. Alas, that is not the case. This book is full of secrets - some will be exposed, and others will not.
Danae got the short end of the stick when her stepfather gave her to a relative to raise. The woman was a drunk and an addict, and Danae's childhood was miserable. When her foster mother died, Danae was only fifteen and spent the next several years on the streets. That experience made it difficult for her to trust anyone. She came to Calais to learn more about her family but did so under an assumed name. After she received an anonymous note saying someone knew who she was, Danae revealed her identity to Alaina and the lawyer and began her claim. But strange happenings make it clear that someone doesn't want their secrets exposed.
Zach was hired to do some renovations on the mansion. No one knows that he has personal reasons for being there. A deathbed semi-confession by Zach's father has him searching for the connection between the two families.
I enjoyed seeing the relationship develop between Danae and Zach. Danae is wary and slow to trust most people, but something about Zach says she can trust him. While she cherishes her independence, she also appreciates his help. Zach is attracted to Danae but tries to resist because of his secret. But he can't deny his need to protect her when she is in danger. I liked watching them grow closer as they worked together to find answers. Ultimately, the secrets were less important than their feelings for each other.
The suspense was excellent. I was almost as invested in Danae's search as she was, curious to discover the truth about the mysterious payments. The deeper into the search she got, the more it became apparent that someone was determined to stop her. I was on the edge of my seat during the final confrontation, which had a twist that shocked everyone. The epilogue was a good wrap-up to this book and lead-in to the next with a surprise request. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Saved by the Lyon - Laura Landon (Dragonblade - July 2024)

Series: Lyon's Den (Book 60)
Only time will tell if spending her massive wealth to purchase Phillip Eversley, the Duke of Markham is the best or worst purchase Violet has ever made.
A wounded Major Phillip Eversley returns from the war to discover his father and brother are both dead and he is now the Earl of Markham. He also discovers that before their deaths, they went so deeply into debt that even if Phillip sells every unentailed property he now owns, he can never save the one property he loves most - his grandmother's home, Parkland Estate.
Because of the massive wealth her father left her, Lady Violet Slushman becomes one of the wealthiest women in London. The former wallflower is now besieged with suitors desperate to marry her – but only for her money. She is left with no choice but to go to Mrs. Bessie Dove-Lyon, the black widow of Whitehall, renowned owner of the Lyon's Club. Mrs. Dove-Lyon is known throughout London as the one and only person who can find a way to erase any scandal and make a match for anyone seeking one. And Violet is desperate to find a husband to protect her from the money-hungry letches. She only has two requirements, that the man Bessie Dove-Lyon chooses for her puts her wealth to good use, and he is not so handsome that he makes her plainness more obvious.
Instead, Violet is forced to use her wealth to buy the most handsome man in all of England.

Enjoyable story. Violet has spent years listening to her mother compare her to her sister and find her wanting. A family scandal caused her parents and sister to depart England for America, leaving Violet behind. When their ship went down, it left Violet a very wealthy woman and the target of every fortune hunter in London. Violet took matters into her own hands and asked Mrs. Dove-Lyon to help her find a suitable husband.
Phillip returned to London from the war after the deaths of his father and brother. He is now the Earl of Markham and finds that they left the estate in so much debt there is no way for him to recover. His only option is to marry a wealthy woman. That is something he is reluctant to do until Mrs. Dove-Lyon summons him.
I liked Violet and Phillip. Both are kind and honorable and were outcasts in their own families. Violet is intelligent and was trained in financial management by her father, leaving her in an excellent position to manage her inherited wealth. Phillip feels guilty about his need to marry money until he talks to Violet and learns about her issues. Though neither is in love when they marry, they form a quick friendship and make excellent partners in managing his estates.
I loved watching their relationship develop as they got to know each other. It was a slow but sweet buildup filled with kindness, humor, and understanding. There was a scene with someone from Phillip's past that had a surprise ending and a twist at the end that surprised me. The epilogue was terrific. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Redeeming the Maverick - Christine Rimmer (HQN - Aug 2024)

Series: Montana Mavericks: Trail to Tenacity (Book 1)
The return of the prodigal rancher…
Hayes Parker swore he would never return to Tenacity, a town that had given him nothing but hard feelings and heartbreak. Now his father's illness has beckoned him home to the family ranch, bringing him face-to-face with…her. Chrissy Hastings, the one who got away. Hayes has changed a lot since he was a hotheaded teen. But he can't just pick up where they left off. First, he must prove he's a man she can count on…for keeps.

Terrific start to the new series. There is a new town and new characters, with cameos by some old friends. Hayes left town when he graduated from high school after butting heads with his father for years. Though he swore he'd never go back, he went when his mom called, needing help. He didn't expect to come face-to-face with his high school girlfriend minutes after arriving in town. Chrissy was just as shocked to see him. Each plans to keep their distance from the other, but Fate has other plans.
When Chrissy's condo gets flooded, she needs somewhere to stay while it is repaired. She could move back in with her parents, but Chrissy doesn't want to deal with her mom's controlling nature. She's surprised when Hayes offers her a place at the ranch. She's hesitant because of their history, but Hayes swears it's only as friends.
I enjoyed seeing the rekindling of their relationship. They find it just as easy to talk now as back then, but that also brings back memories of their deep feelings for each other. Every time one of them starts feeling stirrings of attraction or closeness, they pull back, afraid of being hurt again. But those feelings become harder to resist the more time they spend together. When they finally give in to the attraction, each tries to convince themselves that it is just "friends with benefits" instead of acknowledging the truth.
I ached for both Hayes and Chrissy as they fought their feelings. I especially wanted to shake Hayes as he continued to deny the truth even after Chrissy dared to speak up. He earned every bit of the misery he felt after they parted. I loved the ending and seeing Hayes face the fears that kept him from accepting Chrissy's love. The epilogue was terrific, and I look forward to seeing more of them in later books. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Operation Rafe's Redemption - Justine Davis (HRS #2268 - Mar 2024)

Series: Cutter's Code (Book 17)
To bring down a traitor…
She needs the man who betrayed her love!
Years ago, Foxworth Foundation operatives walked into a trap that almost annihilated them all. So when Charlie Foxworth -- the firm's cool financial mastermind -- finds the man responsible, she'll stop at nothing to take him down. But to do it, she needs unflappable former sniper Rafe Crawford -- the man who shattered her heart -- plus K-9 Cutter. Little does she know, they also might be key to keeping her alive!

At last, we get Rafe's story. The taciturn, closed-off, former Marine sniper has intrigued me from the start, and his ongoing feud with Charlie seemed out of character. Here, we look at Rafe's past and the experiences that affected him so profoundly, including his problems with Charlie.
Quinn's sister, Charlie, is the financial genius who ensures that Foxworth has the resources it needs. Her life appears to revolve around the foundation and its needs. She's always calm, logical, and focused - except when around Rafe. It was interesting to see these two get under each other's skin.
The suspense of the story was terrific. Three years earlier, an ambush nearly wiped out Foxworth operatives. Since then, they have unsuccessfully searched for the person responsible. No matter what, they refused to give up, and Charlie has finally identified him. Though she isn't a trained operative, she maneuvers her way into becoming the man's girlfriend while searching for the proof they need to take him down. When Max Flood invites her to Seattle with him, she knows this is the time to get Quinn involved.
I loved watching the team go all in to bring down their quarry. It isn't easy, and a lot of undercover work is going on. Each step kept me riveted and impatient to see results. The intensity kept ramping up the further they got into the investigation. An unexpected twist brought an old case into the mix and complicated the mission. I was on the edge of my seat when Charlie was in mortal danger and gripped by the intensity of the rescue scene. The "gotcha" scene with Max Flood was fantastic and the perfect culmination of their investigation.
As wonderful as the suspense was, watching Rafe and Charlie together was terrific. Each is known for their stoic calm and attention to detail, but that all goes out the window when they must deal with each other. The sparks between them were explosive, with their attraction hidden beneath a barrage of snide remarks. You know it isn't good when Quinn has to intervene. I felt for Cutter, who was determined to bring the two together. Even he showed frustration at their stubbornness. Despite his problems with Charlie, Rafe is very protective of her but consistently puts his foot in his mouth when attempting to express his worries. Charlie is determined to stick with her plan despite its dangers.
In the meantime, she tries to break through Rafe's walls and find out why he pulled away from her. I liked seeing her chip away at him until he finally caved. I ached for him as he revealed the tragedy that had haunted him. Their conversation was intense and emotional, and it was exactly what was needed to break the chains that kept Rafe from believing he deserved to be happy.
Cutter had his work cut out for him in this book. While the professional work was intense, he handled it all with ease. But when it came to his other mission of getting Charlie and Rafe together, he had to work extra hard. It's always fun to see those skeptical of his talents, such as Charlie, experience his matchmaking determination. Rafe is well aware of Cutter's proclivities but tries hard to resist. Seeing even Cutter frustrated and annoyed by their uncooperativeness was amusing. I laughed out loud at Cutter's effective way of getting Rafe to stop running away. The epilogue was a funny depiction of an exhausted Cutter.
I'm not sure if this is the last of the Cutter's Code series. I know it was intended to be, but hopefully, the author will listen to her many fans and pen new adventures for Foxworth and Cutter. 

How the Wallflower Wins a Duke - Lucy Morris (HH #1811 - Aug 2024)

Marina Fletcher's Rules:
Rule 1: Spend life composing music in peace. Do not worry about finding a husband. Rule 2: If must worry about finding a husband, marry for love only or commit to becoming a spinster. Rule 3: Resist urge to spend time with the sinfully sexy Duke of Framlingham, who clearly does not believe in love. Rule 4: Never ever say yes to said duke's wicked plan for us to silence society's expectations with a fake engagement…
But what happens when this wallflower breaks every single rule?

Good book. Marina is the daughter of a prominent architect. She is also a talented musician, though her confidence took a hit several months earlier thanks to a deceitful man. Since then, Marina has decided to concentrate on her music and not worry about finding a husband. Though she wants a family of her own, she won't give up her hope for a love match. As the book opens, she and her parents arrive at the Duke of Framlingham's home for a house party and audition for an architect to build a new house. Also present is her father's greatest rival and his family. The tension between the two families is evident from the start.
Brook, the Duke of Framlingham, recently inherited the title after his father's and older brother's deaths. As the "spare," he spent most of his life feeling second-best and ignored. He made his life in the army and was happy there. Since taking up the title, Brook has felt weighed down by his responsibilities to the estate and cleaning up his mother's messes. He wants to have the opportunity to live life on his terms finally. He plans to leave England to travel the Continent and enjoy the privileges he now has. Unfortunately, his mother is equally determined to keep him in England and see him married.
After spending some time talking to Marina, Brook has the idea of asking her to enter into a fake engagement with him. That will get his matchmaking mama off his back and allow him to do the traveling he wants. Brook proposes that she would then be able to concentrate on her music without the added distraction of husband-hunting. The encounter did not go as he had hoped, but he remained intrigued by Marina. She eventually gives in to his proposal.
The development of their relationship was interesting. Brook is falling for her but refuses to see it. He is focused on his desire to leave England. Marina's feelings for Brook also grow, but she believes she isn't suitable for him. There are interesting twists involving Marina's brother, her music and insecurities about it, and the ever-obnoxious Moorcroft family, but none diminishes the strengthening attraction between them.
My favorite part was the support that Brook gave Marina the night she performed her music. I loved his appreciation of her talent and his determination to give her the confidence she deserved. But fears and insecurities pull them apart. It takes Brook facing his past before he can look at the future. I loved the ending and the depth of emotion as Brook and Marina looked at the future together. 


Monday, July 8, 2024

Campus Killer - R. Barri Flowers (HI #2234 - Aug 2024)

Series: Lynleys of Law Enforcement (Book 5)
The stakes of this case were intense.
And the killer was closing in.
Deep into the investigation of a serial killer at her small town's university, Detective Paula Lynley can't refuse the help of a renowned profiler. Special Agent Neil Ramirez's expertise could help catch the Campus Killer before another woman falls victim. Though Neil is deeply talented and easy on the eyes, Paula senses the profiler has his own dark secrets. Getting close to Neil might be good for the case, but what will it do to her heart?

Good action-packed mystery and romance. Paula is a campus detective at a small college. There has been a series of murders of female professors that they believe is the work of a serial killer. Neil is an ATF profiler working as a visiting professor in their Criminal Justice department. Paula decided to take advantage of Neil's presence and ask for his help in profiling the killer.
I liked Neil and Paula. Both are dedicated to their jobs. Paula is recently divorced. She isn't bitter about the end of her marriage but is cautious about getting involved again. She has noticed Neil and is intrigued by him. Neil is on hiatus from the BATF. Between the death of his partner during an op and the end of his relationship with his girlfriend, he wanted some time to clear his head. Besides his gig as a professor, Neil also aids in investigating weapons trafficking. They work well as a team while they attempt to identify the killer.
I enjoyed watching their relationship develop. Neither Neil nor Paula is actively looking for romance, but when they realize they are drawn to each other, they don't shy away. I liked seeing them get to know each other and discover how much they have in common. I loved that Neil greatly respects Paula and her abilities while still being protective of her. The progression of their relationship was realistic and involved no silly games. The only obstacle/question was what would happen when Neil's stint as a professor was over. I liked the way their future worked out.
The suspense of the story was fantastic. I was fully involved in the search for the Campus Killer from the prologue to the epilogue. I could feel their frustration at the lack of clues and the intensity of their desire to stop the killer before he claimed another victim. The occasional glimpse into the killer's mind was chilling and added to the growing tension. The author kept me guessing about the killer's identity until that final twist. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Lyon and His Promise - Sherry Ewing (Dragonblade - June 2024)

Series: Lyon's Den (Book 59)
A gentleman's lifetime regret. A widow's tarnished reputation. Can they repair the past to create a bright future together?
Gyles Hawley, Marquis of Wickes has spent years regretting that he promised a good friend not to woo the man's sister. Not that the regret shows. Between his duties to his father and the estate as heir to a duchy, he sometimes wished he could live a simpler life as a gentleman-about-town. Inside, though, he still yearns for a girl he could never forget.
Mrs. Josephine Bouchard understands that she must live with her bad choices. Foolishly running away with a man who only desired her money, was only the first. After she became a widow, she continued to make decisions that cost her any possibility of a return to Society. Then a chance glimpse of Gyles makes her wonder if maybe she could find a way.
When Mrs. Dove-Lyon arranges a meeting between Gyles and Josephine, the past and present collide. Only once they resolve their own mixed emotions, can they combat all that Society will try to do to stop them being together.
A ruined widow and a duke's heir must find a way, for love has once more entered their hearts.
Good second chance/best friend's sister story. Several years earlier, a young Josephine was in love with her brother's best friend, Gyles. Devastated when he spurned her affection, she eloped with a man who only wanted her for her money. After his death, she compounded her mistake by becoming a nobleman's mistress, ending any hope of returning to Society.
Josephine didn't know that her brother, Simon, had made Gyles promise that he would not court her. He regrets rejecting her and, even more, not going after her when she eloped. As his father's heir, Gyles is busy helping his father, leaving him no time for the simpler life he craves. He often thinks of Josephine and wishes he knew where she was.
Josephine's friend, Cassandra, has made it her mission to find a way to restore Josephine to the life she should have. She enlists the help of Mrs. Dove-Lyon, who is known for arranging matches for unlikely pairs. She arranges a meeting between Josephine and Gyles.
It is evident from the beginning that the feelings between Josephine and Gyles are still there. I enjoyed watching the development of their relationship as they navigated Society's strict rules. I liked that Gyles freely admitted his regret and apologized to Josephine for his lack of action. I liked that both were mature enough to clear the air in a reasonable manner. They have a tough road ahead to bring Josephine back into Society's good graces, and it isn't easy.
I liked seeing Gyles initiate the attempt to repair his relationship with Simon and bring him on board to help Josephine. I was happy that Simon saw the error of his ways. Having them team up was a good start. Complications arose as the attraction between Gyles and Josephine grew stronger, potentially wrecking their goal. There was a terrific scene that could have ended badly but brought a strong ally to Josephine's side. It was amusing to see Gyles's frustration build as he had to toe the line while Josephine made her return to Society. I loved the ending and seeing them happy at last.
The epilogue was good and alludes to two more upcoming matches. I can't wait to read them. 


Friday, July 5, 2024

Threats in the Deep - Addison Fox (HRS #2288 - Aug 2024)

Series: New York Harbor Patrol (Book 3)
They shared one unforgettable night
And now they're partners in more ways than one
NYPD diver Gavin Hayes can't stop thinking about the woman he rang in the New Year with. Assistant District Attorney Sera Forte needs to find the man she spent the night with and break the news of her unexpected pregnancy. When they learn they've been paired up for a new criminal task force, they realize they need to solve more than the mystery they've been given. The burning attraction that brought them together still smolders. But the case Gavin and Sera are working is a dangerous one. Can he protect the woman he loves and their baby?

Good mix of romance and suspense. Gavin and Sera spent an unforgettable but anonymous New Year's Eve, exchanging only first names and small details about who they were. Neither has been able to forget the other. Sera is pregnant and has no idea how to find him to tell him.
As the story opens, Sera, an assistant district attorney, is invited to participate in a special task force with the police department, Coast Guard, and several federal agencies. It's a good career move and an intriguing opportunity. The last thing she expected was to encounter Gavin, the father of her baby. Gavin, a diver with the NYPD's Harbor Unit, was equally surprised to see Sera. Their first meeting was awkward, with Gavin being a bit of a jerk and Sera unsure how to deal with him.
I enjoyed the development of the relationship between Gavin and Sera. Though it got off to a slightly rough start, they didn't take long to get to know each other. I liked that Sera trusted her instincts and realized Gavin's attitude wasn't like him. I liked their connection and how Gavin's interest in her and her work made Sera feel good. I liked how easily they talked together and how sensitive they were to each other's moods.  Sera's confession of her pregnancy shocked Gavin, but he quickly embraced the idea. The obstacle they face is that each is freaked out about the intensity of their emotions and hesitant to admit them. I enjoyed seeing how their time together brought them closer and helped them overcome their hesitation.
The suspense of the story kept me hooked from start to finish. I was intrigued by the diving aspect of the case and the discovery of the weapons cache. Gavin and Sera's teamwork was terrific, and I loved the involvement of the other Harbor team members. The escalating danger caused by the person behind the guns had everyone on edge, and it intensified when the team came under attack. I could feel their frustration as lead after lead turned into dead ends. A twist at the end brings insight and danger to Sera, with a final confrontation that had me on the edge of my seat.
This is the first of this series I have read, but I will definitely read the others. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wyoming Mountain Investigation - Juno Rushdan (HI #2230 - Aug 2024)

Series: Cowboy State Lawmen: Duty and Honor (Book 1)
His past has left him scarred
But then comes a chance at redemption…
Rescuing teenage campers from a fire left Liz Kelley scarred for life. But her Wyoming town isn't all she left behind. Fire marshal Sawyer Powell can't forgive himself for failing to protect her that terrible night. Fifteen years later, a string of suspicious fires brings Liz -- now an FBI agent -- home. Working the case together gives the former lovers a second chance -- but also makes them a killer's target.

Terrific series opener, with intense suspense, plenty of action, and a second chance romance. The story opens in the past, as teenagers Liz and Sawyer rescued fellow campers from an arsonist's fire. The fire left Liz scarred, physically and emotionally, and she soon moved away with her family. Neither forgot that night, and it changed their lives.
Fifteen years later, Liz is an arson investigator with the FBI. Her boss sends her back to her hometown to help investigate a series of suspicious fires. She's surprised to encounter Sawyer, who never left his hometown and is now the fire marshal. Working together at first is awkward, as Sawyer is still hurt at how Liz disappeared from his life all those years ago. But it doesn't take long to realize their connection is still there.
I enjoyed watching the relationship develop between Liz and Sawyer. The sparks of attraction are there, but the effects of that long-ago trauma still linger. Sawyer has been unable to forgive himself for not keeping Liz safe that night. Liz's scars make her feel unlovable and self-conscious about letting anyone close to her. I loved watching them work together, get to know each other as adults, and discover their feelings for each other haven't died. I loved Sawyer's patience and understanding as he worked through the walls Liz built around her heart.
The suspense was the driving force of the story. The fires seem random and there are no clues to give Sawyer a direction. I could feel their frustration as they reached dead ends. The arsonist's attacks begin to escalate, driving their determination higher. The investigations themselves were interesting, and the details were realistic and informative. I was glued to the pages as Sawyer and Liz came closer to finding the arsonist. The final confrontation was a nail-biter, and I couldn't wait to see how it turned out. I stayed awake far later than I should have because I couldn't put it down.